Day 28 - Care Package

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It was 3 am.

Marinette came back into her room after having gone to the bathroom and getting a drink of water. She thought she remembered turning her lamp on, but she was so out of it she figured she must have forgotten.

She closed her trapdoor, yawning as she fumbled her way towards her ladder. Just then, the lamp by her bed in her loft flipped on, and Adrien was sitting there on her bed in his pajamas with a small smile. She held back a startled yelp, covering her mouth and catching her breath. She was fully awake at that point, her surprise making her heart race.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered, staring up at him. He smiled sheepishly, holding up a small basket with different treats and gifts inside. Marinette furrowed her eyebrows, staring up at it.

"Is that for me?" she wondered quietly, starting to walk closer. She moved to step onto the ladder, but he spoke up.

"No, wait," he said, and she stopped, staring up at him.

"We're supposed to keep six feet of distance, remember?" he teased, and Marinette smiled lightheartedly.

"How could I forget? It's all anyone can talk about," she sighed, wishing things could go back to normal but wanting everyone to be safe. She watched his eyes darken as well, knowing he hadn't been taking isolation very well.

"So what's the deal with that, kitty?" she asked, bringing him out of his thoughts. He smiled again and lifted up the basket for her to see more clearly.

"I brought you a care package because..." he trailed off, staring at it in his hands. She watched him, seeing how distraught he looked. "Well, there are a lot of reasons, but I just miss seeing you everyday," he told her, watching a small blush appear on her cheeks. He gave her a warm smile that seemed forced but genuine nonetheless.

"Thank you, Adrien," she smiled back, watching him set the basket on her bed. She wished he didn't have to go, but he'd told her that he wasn't able to leave his room unless it was really early in the morning, like it was then.

"Call me later today, okay?" she asked, his back already turned to her. He gave her a smile and then transformed, filling her room with green light.

"Sure thing, princess," he told her before jumping through the skylight and leaving her to head back to bed with a big smile on her face.


Later that day, he called her, and they talked for a few hours. He was bored out of his mind, just like she was, and they both wished they could go out and do something with their friends.

As Adrien hung up the phone, Marinette finally settled on one of the ideas that had been floating around in her head. She knew it couldn't make up for how helpless he felt, but she hoped it would help at least a little.

Over the next few days, she contacted all of their friends and asked them to write cards for Adrien and send them to her house. She gathered snacks she knew he liked, she bought him some DVDs of animes he'd been talking about watching, and she found a few plushies that she knew would make him smile. She even knitted matching hats for him and Plagg.

When she'd finally finished putting it all together, it was around 3 am on a Friday morning. Marinette looked at all the cards, having written her own as well. She'd gathered a lot more than she'd planned, but he knew it would at least make him smile.

She took off across the rooftops, careful not to drop anything along the way. When she came to stand on the rooftop across from his house, she noticed that the lights were on in his room. After a few moments of watching him pace across the floor, Plagg nudged his shoulder, and their eyes met. She gave him a smile and waved, trying to hold the basket behind herself. He waved back and then motioned for her to come in. She noticed the open window, jumping to the ledge carefully.

"Sorry to bother you," she spoke, looking around before detransforming. Tikki floated up and landed on Marinette's shoulder, and that was when she realized that she'd come in her pajamas. She blushed a little as he stood a safe distance away from her.

He looked slightly tired, but she could tell that he was happy to see her. He was giving her a small smile that she knew from experience was subconscious. She always thought it was more adorable that he had any right to be.

"No problem. It's not like I'm busy," he chuckled, glancing at her hands holding the basket behind her back. He raised his eyebrows, looking back to her.

"Oh, I brought this for you," she said, bringing the care package around to show him. His eyes softened even more, and she set it down and walked away so he could come grab it. She watched as he looked through everything she'd compiled, and when he got to all the cards, he stopped.

"You did this all for me?" he wondered, looking up at her with wide eyes. She smiled, feeling her heart swell.

"All of our friends wrote you something. And of course I did this for you, silly," she smiled lightheartedly, watching him look back at the basket in astonishment.

"I, uh," he chuckled a little, glancing at her for a moment. "Can I hug you?" he asked, and she felt her heart jump at the opportunity.

"I really don't mind," she spoke softly, watching him set the basket down and walk towards her in long, eager strides. He moved to pull her into his chest quickly but gently, hugging her tightly and warmly. She let herself blush while he couldn't see, her cheek pressed against his chest. She could feel his heart racing, and her's was no slower.

"Thank you, Marinette," he spoke, the sound rumbling through his chest. She smiled, squeezing him a little.

"You're welcome, Adrien," she said, wishing they could stay like that for a long time. She felt so safe with him so close, like nothing bad was happening or would ever happen again.

And he didn't let go. He held her there, the two of them breathing in each other's presence in comfortable silence. After a few moments more, he was stroking her hair, and she blushed again.

"Sorry, I'm just so lonely here," he spoke, barely above a whisper. Her heart ached for him, wishing there was something she could do.

"I could come visit you again tomorrow," she whispered back, and he finally pulled away, looking at her. "And every day," she continued shyly, watching his reaction.

"I would love that," he breathed, smiling as he held her shoulders gently.

"But you can't get sick," she teased quietly, and he nodded, holding out a pinky.

"I promise," he stated, and she lifted to intertwine their fingers. His hands were so warm.

"Good," she giggled lightly, both of them letting go. She glanced at the window, not wanting to leave.

"I'll see you again soon," she told him, watching his face fall. "Make sure you let me know what you think of those animes," she said, and he lit up again, just a little. He nodded, watching her transform.

Marinette climbed up to the window ledge, turning to look back at Adrien. He gazed up at her, and she could see the sadness in his eyes.

"I'll miss you," she spoke just loud enough for him to hear. His mouth dropped open a little, but then he gave her a small smirk.

"Of course you will, m'lady."


i sincerely hope you're all doing well and staying safe <3

thank you all for reading! it means so so so much to me!

mel x 

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now