Day 26 - Sick Day

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Adrien was only slightly surprised when Marinette flew in through his window. She walked over and closed the window after herself, activating the automatic blinds and waiting until it was dark to detransform. The pink flash of light lit up the room, and Adrien hit the light switch to see her smiling face.

"Hey there," he smiled, watching her move over to him. He walked a few paces to meet her halfway, holding his arms out for a hug. She stood on her tiptoes, holding his face and pulling him down into a short kiss. He blinked in surprise, blushing.

"What was that for?" he asked, looking down at her bright eyes. She seemed to be glowing, and it made him want to feel as happy as she did.

"I missed you," she spoke, blinking up at him cutely. It only made him blush more, his heart feeling tight. Usually they teased one another when they met at night like this, having seen each other at school during the day, but Adrien didn't feel the urge to discount her statement at all.

"I missed you too," he said truthfully, having wanted to see her blue eyes up close all day. She gave him a warm smile, moving to hug him tightly around his torso.

"You're a dork," she mumbled against his chest, and he let his arms wrap around her. He relished in her gentle warmth, letting the feeling spread throughout his whole body as he held her close. He saw Tikki and Plagg flying around the room, eventually settling on the railing on the second floor to watch the two of them.

"Well, what does the dork's girlfriend want to do tonight?" he asked, a little disappointed when she pulled away so soon. She pursed her lips in thought, holding up a bag she brought.

"I have that homework you wanted to work on together, I have my Switch, I have knitting I could do," she listed, glancing up at him. He weighed the options, looking around his room briefly.

"Is that homework due tomorrow?" he wondered, and she nodded, taking it out and looking it over.

"It shouldn't take us too long," she said, gauging his expression. He shrugged, and she smiled, setting her bag on the couch and running over to his bed to jump onto it and land on her back. He watched her and laughed, grabbing his homework from his desk and joining her to sit on the bed.

They worked on their homework for a while, trying to stay focused but getting into one pillow fight and two tickle attacks along the way. Adrien loved the face she made when she wanted to get something done but couldn't keep her laughter in, so despite how long it took them to finish, seeing that face made it worthwhile.

"What now?" he asked as he put his homework away, but Marinette was already grabbing something from her bag.

"Can I show you the new outfit I made in Animal Crossing?" she wondered, holding up her Switch. He chuckled, nodding.

"Of course, princess," he smiled, settling into the couch. As he waited for her to come over, he coughed suddenly, surprising the both of them.

"Are you getting sick?" she asked, pressing a gentle hand to his forehead.

"I have been feeling a little under the weather," he offered as she sat down next to him. "I should have mentioned that before you came over. I'm sorry," he said, looking at her. She looked at him thoughtfully, shrugging and then leaning over and pressing a softer kiss to his lips, letting herself linger close to him for a moment.

"I don't mind," she spoke softly, turning back to her game with a smirk. Adrien's heart was racing, his face red once more. She was going to drive him truly crazy, and something told him that she would be proud of doing so.

They played Animal Crossing for a while, the kwamis coming over to watch and to commentate. Sooner or later, Marinette's head ended up in his lap. He could tell she was pretty worn out from the day and from the early morning Akuma attack, and he was sufficiently tired himself. He yawned once, and she looked away from the game, watching him.

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now