Day 6 - Aspik and Marinette

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Adrien stared at the bracelet on his left wrist, feeling a wave of despair crawl through his veins. It had felt like so long since he'd used the Snake Miraculous, but in reality, it hadn't been long enough.

As Chat Noir, he'd told Ladybug that Adrien wanted to talk to her. Although scary and a little embarrassing, Adrien had asked her, as the new Guardian, to lend him the Snake Miraculous. It hurt to think about all the times he failed to save her.

25,913 times.

He placed a hand on the bracelet, covering it from his view. He moved to take it off, ready to give it back and never think about it again, but he knew he couldn't do that. The months he spent trying to save the love of his life wouldn't go away so easily.

Adrien had told Ladybug that he wanted to go out and make new memories with the Miraculous, hopefully to try and counteract all of the nightmares he kept having. He was constantly reliving his failure.

Ladybug had agreed, to his surprise, and handed over the Miraculous to him. He'd sat in his room thinking for too long after that, but remembering the caring look Ladybug had given him, he finally decided to give it a try.

"Sass, scales slither!" he exclaimed, feeling the familiar suit rise to cover him once more. Plagg rose from his position on the bed, looking over his chosen.

"How does it feel?" he asked, and Adrien looked up at him.

"Asphyxiating," he admitted, feeling slightly short of breath. He knew he needed to get out of his head, but he needed time. He could give himself that much.

He pushed his window open, glancing back at Plagg and seeing him look slightly worried. He would never admit to it of course. But knowing he cared made it a little easier to breathe.

"Stay safe, Plagg," Adrien said before jumping to the nearest rooftop.

As he ran through the city, he wanted to imagine that he was Chat Noir instead. But again, he knew he needed to face this fear and stop running away from it. He let himself feel terrified, he let himself curl up, he let himself hyperventilate. And when he was done, he reminded himself, over and over, that he would never be put in the exact same situation again.

By the time he felt like he could breathe again, the moon was high in the sky. He glanced around and realized he was near the school, about to turn around and head back home. He didn't feel better, but he no longer felt horrified at the thought of transforming into that suit. That was a step in the right direction, and even just that step had exhausted him.

As he took one last look at the Paris skyline, he noticed Marinette's balcony, and there she was standing against the railing. Her body language seemed tense, and she was looking around, as if searching for something.

Adrien was torn; he didn't want to dump his problems on Marinette, but he wanted to make good memories as Aspik. Marinette was amazing, and Adrien knew that. If anyone could help him start to feel better with the Snake Miraculous, it was her.

He made his tired body move towards her, his feet deftly landing on her railing. He realized right then, as she jumped back in surprise, that she had no idea who he was under the mask. He didn't have a good excuse ready as to why he was there.

"Sorry," he got out hoarsely, and she calmed down a little.

"Hello," she spoke dubiously, staring at him warily.

"I don't mean to intrude. I know you don't know me, but you seem worried," he told her, watching her eyes become concerned.

"Yeah, um, I am," she nodded, not meeting his eyes. "It's my friend, Adrien." He tried not to let himself be surprised, watching her closely.

"Is he okay?" he wondered, stepping down off her railing and onto the balcony.

"I don't know," she spoke softly, resting her chin in her hand as she leaned against the railing, turning away from him. She glanced up at the moon. "He hasn't been himself lately. He hasn't smiled or laughed, and some days it's hard for him to say much at all."

It was true. He'd been so plagued by his memories of his time trying to save Ladybug that it bled into every aspect of his life. He didn't realize it had become so noticeable.

"Maybe he's going through something," Aspik offered, his heart slightly warmed by the fact that she was worried about him. But at the same time, he didn't want Marinette to worry.

"I wish he didn't have to be," she spoke quietly, her voice wavering. "He's been through so much."

When he heard her sob, he couldn't believe it. Did Marinette really care for him that much?

"I'm sorry," she got out as she tried to wipe her tears. "I don't mean to dump this on you."

"It's okay," he told her, moving closer. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, and she finally looked at him. He'd never seen those blue eyes look so sad.

Before he could comprehend it, she was hugging him, someone she barely knew. He was surprised, but if she needed it, she could hug him for as long as she wanted to.

He let himself pat her back a few times, not wanting to seem too familiar. He still couldn't believe that Marinette cared about him so much. She really was amazing. He didn't know if he deserved such a wonderful friend.

"Thank you for listening to me," she spoke as she pulled away, her cheeks slightly red. She turned away again, wiping her tears.

"I didn't mind," he said softly, realizing he was smiling. Somehow, he always had a smile around Marinette.

"It was nice to meet you," she told him, turning to face him once more.

"Aspik," he said, introducing himself. "I might see you again sometime." He couldn't erase the small smile on his face, not while looking at her. A soft blush decorated her cheeks once more, and she glanced at the floor.

"I look forward to it," she replied, giving him a smile in return.

Adrien didn't want to leave. Not when she was smiling so sweetly and cared about him more than he thought anyone ever would.

As he jumped from her balcony, he couldn't deny that he'd made the right choice by going to see Marinette.

And out of all the memories Adrien had, as Aspik and just as himself, being with Marinette that night was now one of his favorites.


thank you all for reading! this one kinda hurt my heart, baby boy deserves better

mel x

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now