Day 22 - Outfit Change

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check the external link for marinette's outfit!


Adrien walked into class that morning with a yawn, glad to be at school but wishing he could've slept just a little longer. He was exhausted.

Despite that, he looked forward to seeing Marinette, and that seemed to brighten his mood. Her radiance and light were like a beacon to him, and he always managed to get drawn in. Even on days when she was just as tired from fighting akumas as he was, she found a way to make him smile without fail.

Adrien's eyes kept drifting towards the door as he anticipated her arrival. He was thinking about her while Nino was trying to talk to him, completely distracted.

"Waiting for someone, Adrien?" Alya chuckled, and he snapped out of his train of thought. Nino was looking at him with the same look, one that said, "You're hopeless."

"Maybe," he replied, looking back to the door.

"Did she tell you she was gonna wear an outfit today that she made completely by herself?" Alya asked, leaning on her desk excitedly. Adrien looked up at her.

"Really?" he asked, beginning to anticipate her eventual arrival more and more. He looked back to the door, wanting so badly to see her standing there.

"She's so talented," Nino said, and Adrien nodded.

"She's amazing," he sighed out, hearing Alya snicker a little. Adrien started to turn to elaborate on his feelings when he finally saw her.

As she walked fully into view, he felt all the breath he had leave his lungs.

Marinette's skirt was the first thing that caught his attention. He'd never seen her in a skirt, but it suited her. The orange fabric had buttons down the middle, drawing the eye down to her long legs. If Adrien didn't know she was Ladybug, he would've been shocked by how toned her legs were. Even so, he still found himself impressed.

She was wearing a denim jacket over a white halter top, but she'd let the sleeves fall down to reveal her shoulders that otherwise would've been covered. He noticed the outline of her collarbone as he followed it to her freckled shoulders. He'd heard about American school dress codes restricting showing shoulders, and he'd thought it was unnecessary. Although, as he appreciated Marinette's shoulders for the first time, he was able to understand a little, even if he knew he wouldn't be captivated by any other shoulders but her's.

Marinette's hair was the next thing that drew his eyes. She'd put it into two braids, and Adrien didn't know he liked the hairstyle so much until he saw her with it. He met her eyes as she looked at him shyly, both of them blushing fiercely. She was glowing, it seemed.

She began walking to her seat as the bell rang, but just before she passed him, he realized she was wearing a headband with little cat ears on it. He felt his heart ache, his face completely red. Maybe she knew exactly what she was doing by being so beautiful, but something told him that turning him into a blushing mess wasn't her goal. At least, it wasn't originally.

"You look stunning, Marinette," Alya said behind him, and he put his head on his desk, hiding under his arms. How could someone be so beautiful? "But the cat ears are an iffy choice for me," Alya teased, and Marinette giggled, making Adrien's chest feel tight.

"I felt like representing Paris' most attractive superhero today," she told her, and Adrien felt his heart stop, glad he'd already covered his face.

She may not have meant to kill him with her looks, but that comment was intentional and very deadly. 


not one of my best, but i enjoyed writing it! hope you enjoyed reading it!

thank you!

mel x

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now