Day 29 - Memories

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Marinette couldn't place why she was so nervous. Maybe there were too many reasons, or maybe her frazzled brain couldn't even muster a valid one. But she was freaking out, and her dad could see that.

"Marinette," Tom chuckled, adjusting his tie. She stopped bouncing around, looking at him with wide eyes. "Honey, calm down," he spoke, moving over to put his hands on her shoulders. She stared up at him.

"Dad, I'm fine! Just jittery, you know?" she laughed in a high pitched voice, wiggling under his hands. He looked at her with a knowing smile, and her heart was still beating out of her chest.

"What if I trip?" Marinette suddenly realized, and she felt her whole world tip on its side. Tom let out a booming laugh, taking one of his hands off her shoulder to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Sweetheart, would I ever let you fall?" he asked her, looking into her eyes expectantly. She thought about it for a moment, knowing she would be holding her dad's arm for the whole walk down the aisle. She could hold on as tight as she wanted or barely touch him, but she knew no matter what, he wouldn't let her fall.

Marinette gave him a smile, taking a deep breath.

"You're right," she nodded, and he winked at her. Marinette glanced back out the doors, hearing all the people who would be watching her. She imagined Adrien waiting for her, feeling anxious all over again.

"Let me give you something to think about," her dad spoke, interrupting her thoughts and pulling her gaze back to him. "Think about the memories you have with Adrien, okay? All the moments you love the most. That's how I calmed my nerves before your mother walked down the aisle," he told her, a reminiscent look in his eyes. Marinette's train of thought stopped as she considered what her dad had offered her.

She started from the beginning.

It was a rainy day, one that she would never forget. She would never forget the way the rain poured or the way the thunder rumbled through the city. How could she?

Adrien's eyes searched her own in her memory, their warmth and emotion tying her to her thoughts. They were so young. She'd been so adamant on disliking him, but again, how could she? He was so kind, so genuine, and he couldn't hide that even if he wanted to. It manifested in every action, and the umbrella he offered to her that day was the first of an innumerable amount of times that she was reminded of that.

Marinette was immediately sucked into the next memory, and it was a strong one.

They'd discovered each other's identities by accident, and it was painful at first. It was confusing and upsetting. They struggled with how to act and what to say. At times, words only got in the way of expressing how they felt. A simple hug was what finally united them again, and from that day forward, they'd been inseparable. An unstoppable team.

The first kiss they'd shared wasn't grand or overly passionate or like a movie. It was simple and sweet. She remembered every color of the sunset they'd watched together, but it couldn't have been nearly as beautiful as the way he made her feel. Knowing he cared for her got her through the toughest of times, and imagining being without him during it all was a thought she couldn't bear, even as she relived the memory in her mind.

As she felt her heart swell, his first "I love you" rang through her mind. It had been just a whisper, and she hadn't been able to see his face, but it didn't matter. She'd known he'd felt that way for years, but hearing it out loud, knowing he was ready to tell her, it meant everything to her.

She couldn't imagine him feeling much different when she'd said it back.

As the music began, signaling the beginning of the wedding ceremony, Marinette let one last memory play through her mind.

On the night they'd gotten engaged, she'd been in a bad mood. Everything had been going wrong that day, and he'd done everything he could do to try and remedy it. So when he pulled out the ring as they sat on the hood of his car, she cried. She let the tears stream and apologized for agonizing over small and inconsequential things all day.

It was the way he tenderly wiped her tears and kissed her cheeks that she remembered most vividly. Knowing that she loved her enough to spend the rest of his life with her erased all her trivial worries.

It was the same as she took the first step down the aisle.

Their eyes met, and she couldn't stop her heart from feeling like it was going to burst. They were an immovable force, an unbeatable duo. They were going to spend their lives together. They loved each other.

So what was there to worry about?


y'all im gonna CRY theyre too sweet

thank you all for reading! i've never written anything like this before, but i hope you liked it!

mel x

ps omg april is almost over

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now