Day 7 - Letters

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The bell rang, and Marinette sighed in relief. Class was finally over. She'd been falling asleep all period and struggling more than usual to stay awake.

As Adrien and Nino began to leave the room, Adrien threw something in the trash. Marinette didn't think much of it until she remembered the poem he'd thrown in the trash on Valentine's Day. He had seemed preoccupied during class. At least, she'd thought so while she'd been awake.

Marinette waited until everyone left, picking the paper from the waste bin quickly. This time, the paper wasn't crumpled, but it was folded neatly. She furrowed her eyebrows, unfolding it.

Dear Mystery Valentine,

My attempts at poetry were lame, so allow me to write this letter to you. You never signed your name, but I can't believe you answered my poem in the first place. It was beautiful, written more wonderfully than I could ever dream of writing.

Forgive me for being selfish, but I can't help but want to know who you are. If my suspicions are correct and you're the girl that I intended my poem to be about, your identity is very important to you. But please, if your heart really belongs to me, like you said, I'd really like to talk to you.


Marinette's heart was beating out of her chest, her mind racing. Adrien had gotten her poem, and he knew it was a response to his own. He wanted to know who she was. Was she truly the one he'd been talking about in his poem?

Marinette rushed home, pacing back and forth in her room as she tried to think of how to reply. Should she simply respond with her name? Should she declare her love again? Should she sign her name and tell him how she feels? She couldn't decide what the right thing to do was.

What if he did find out who she was? What if she wasn't who he'd intended the poem to reach? What if she was?

Marinette groaned, feeling overwhelmed and confused. She knew she didn't have much time if she wanted her reply to reach him that same day, so she finally decided what she would write.


Adrien's thoughts were running a marathon, and it was exhausting him. He'd remembered back to Valentine's Day and realized that whoever had answered his poem had to be in his class. Was Ladybug in his class? Even though that thought was one of the more recurring ones, he couldn't forget that the handwriting from the Valentine's Day card was very similar to Marinette's.

Adrien thought his head might explode, and Plagg laughed to himself as he watched.

What if it was just a coincidence? What if the same person didn't realize he'd wanted to get their attention? What if their identity was so important that they never replied?

He sat down at his desk and sighed, figuring he might as well pass the time with homework. Maybe that would give his mind some rest from endless questions that would likely never get answered.

Just as he'd opened his physics textbook, there was a knock at his bedroom door.

"Come in," he called, and Nathalie walked in.

"There was a letter for you in the mail," she told him, setting a small letter on his desk. "Dinner will be ready at 7:30." She left promptly afterwards, seeing that Adrien was far more interested in the letter than her.

The plain white envelope, with just his name and address, spoke volumes to him. He tore open the seal, unfolding it impatiently.


Your poem was one of the most beautiful I've ever read, but I'm not sure if it was intended for me. I can't reveal who I am without knowing who truly holds your heart.

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now