Day 10 - Charm Bracelets

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Marinette didn't know if she could face Adrien, not that it was easy to be around him anyway. She couldn't believe she'd lost it.

She slumped as she walked into the classroom, hearing Adrien's polite laugh as Nino joked around with him. He sounded like he was in a good mood. Could Marinette really ruin that?

As she passed his seat, she opened her mouth to tell him, but her nerves got the better of her. She rushed to sit down, putting her face in her hands.

Marinette decided to wait until the school day was over, catching him just outside the locker room. She knew he had fencing practice, so she couldn't take too long to break the news to him.

"Adri-" she started, bumping into him as he turned around at the sound of her voice. He caught her before she stumbled, holding her forearms gently.

"Hey, Marinette. You okay?" he asked, letting her go. She chuckled, playing with one of her pigtails.

"Uh, yeah," she started. "There's something I need t-to tell you," she spoke quietly, not excited about his reaction. He blinked at her expectantly, smiling.

"Your charm bracelet. I mean, the charm bracelet that you gave to me," she prefaced, and he grinned, nodding knowingly. She bit her bottom lip, wondering if there was a better way to just come out and say it. Either way, she knew he'd be upset, so she figured it didn't matter how she said it.

"I lost it," she sighed out, staring at the tips of her shoes. She could only imagine the hurt on his face, but she didn't know if she'd be able to handle it.

"Okay!" he said, and Marinette looked up, startled. "I'll help you look for it." She blinked in shock, staring at him.

"What? Really?" she asked incredulously. He nodded, smiling at her just as brightly as before.

"Of course, Marinette! With my Marinette Lucky Charm, we're sure to find it!" he spoke excitedly, patting his pocket. She blushed lightly, continually surprised that he carried it with him everywhere he went.

"Wait outside Ms. Bustier's classroom for me, okay?" he said, placing a brief hand on her shoulder. She nodded, and he let go, jogging off.

She posted herself by the door of the classroom, and within a minute or two, Adrien ran up.

"Sorry, I was getting out of fencing practice," he breathed, smiling at her.

"What? Oh, you didn't have to do that," she spoke, waving her hands. Was he really going to that much trouble for her?

"I told Mr. D'Argencourt that my father wanted me home and to not mention it because he was in a bad mood," Adrien chuckled to himself, glancing down towards the courtyard.

"You did that for me?" she asked aloud, staring at him in disbelief.

"Of course, Marinette," he smiled, looking back down at her. She blushed again, glancing into the classroom.

"Wanna get started? I've only got until fencing practice ends," he told her, and she nodded.

They checked every place Marinette had been at school. She had only noticed that she'd lost it the night before, so she concluded it must have gotten lost within the previous day.

When they came up empty, Marinette sighed.

"We'll find it, don't worry," he smiled, and she admired him. How could he stay so positive? "Do you wanna check your house next?" Marinette jumped a little, not expecting that he would want to come over.

"Are you sure?" she wondered, seeing him nod at her. She glanced around, as if looking for a way out of it. It wasn't that she didn't want his help or for him to come over, but she needed to clean her room. He couldn't see that.

Adrinette April 2020Where stories live. Discover now