Chapter 5 Jaiden

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I looked outside my bedroom door and saw Rebecca slumped over between her door frame. I'd have to go down my window tonight. I climbed down a tree that perched near my window and ran to the willow tree. I then saw James with a picnic basket sitting on a blanket with a candle in the middle of it. The candle wasn't lit, because of the risk of someone finding us, but it was romantic enough.

"Wow. You really went all out," I said.

"Well I had to empress you," James responded. We had a bet that whoever could catch the Mangnamite first, would have the other one make a picnic meal for them. I obviously won. He took out the food which consisted of a veggie wrap, whole wheat waffles, a jug of Sprite, and Oreos. I laughed as I noticed all the food was from our vegan challenge.

"How did you make this in such a short time?" I asked, picking up an Oreo.

"Well, it wasn't easy," James said, "Adam was still asleep on the couch, so I dragged him up the stairs and surprisingly he didn't wake up. I put him in his bed and walked back downstairs to make this meal, and let me tell you...we need an elevator no matter what Dom says." We enjoyed our meal, and I started having flash-backs to when we didn't have to meet in private to talk or have a good meal. I just wished that the world wasn't so judgy. 


The next morning, was normal as it could get. I gave Ari a bath, which helped me wake up from last night. James and I accidentally stayed until 5 am talking, so we only got four hours of sleep. Tony came in to kiss me good morning and say hi to Ari, who still didn't like him yet.

"Are you getting enough sleep Jaiden?" He asked me. You could probably still see it in my eyes and the way I talked. But, James and I weren't the only one who was tired. Even though Rebecca was a good actor pretended she was fine, you knew that she was exhausted. I began to wonder what she was doing until I had a hunch that she was suspicious about us. After breakfast, I began working on my animation. It was hard to stay up, yes, but I pulled through and barely made it through the day. Barely.


That night, I decided that both me and James needed to have a night to just sleep. He agreed with me and decided we'd meet tomorrow. Though, I didn't really get enough sleep. I went downstairs to get something to drink when I saw James and Adam asleep on the couch with The Office running on the TV. James had his head half hanging off the couch with the remote in his hand and Adam was using James' leg as a pillow. I took the remote out of James' hand and turned the TV off. I put a blanket on James and  Adam and then James opened his eyes slightly.

"Good night beautiful," He said to me. He kissed me on the cheek and immediately fell back to sleep. I then went to bed, able to sleep again.

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