Chapter 18 James

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"Would you like Pineapple on your pancakes?" The waiter asked me. 

"Sounds good!" I said, handing him the menu. We were getting breakfast on the beach and fighting off seagulls. One had already stolen one of Alex's biscuits earlier. 

"Is there a gift shop?" Jaiden asked me. The date with her last night was perfect, though I got pulled in by the tide. But everyone believed me when I said that I went into the pool in the morning (I don't know why though).

"I think, "I said, getting up, "Does anyone want to shop?" 

"I'll go," Adam said, getting up.

"So will I,"  Rebecca said. So, we went to go find someplace to shop. There was no gift shop, but there was a giant surf shop across the street.

"Do you think that we have time?" Rebecca asked looking at it.

"I'm not that hungry anyway," I said.

 "The seagulls can have a free meal," Jaiden said.

"Race ya!" Adam yelled running across the crosswalk. We all followed him and walked through the front door.

"Woah," I said. It was two stories high and had so many things we check out.

"Okay, game plan," I said, to everyone, "Set your phone timers to five minutes and whatever you can get in that amount of time you can buy, just don't max out your credit card. That's the last thing you want to do in another state. Trust me on that." We all pulled out our phones and opened the clock app and hovered our fingers over the start button. 

"Okay timers in three...two...ONE!" we pressed the start button all at once and dispersed through the store. I had an idea of what I wanted to get. Probably a t-shirt first. That's always a go-to souvenir. I found one that had a sunrise (or set) on it. It reminded me of the time I had that perfect date with Jaiden. Then I decided to get one of those liquid snowglobes things. While I was looking for some, Adam ran up to me with his phone in his hand.

"Our food is ready," He said, with a handful of sweatshirts and hoodies. 

"It can wait," I said, still looking.

"That's what I thought you would say," Adam said with a smirk. He kissed me on the cheek and started to text back. After he turned his back, I rubbed the spot where he kissed me. It was weird being in two relationships with one gender each. 


"Where the heck were you?" Den asked when we got back with handfuls of bags.

"Shopping," Rebecca said, sitting down to her probably cold food. Yep, it's cold (ish).

"Okay?" Den said, confused, "Well, we already ate, sorry,"

"Nah, it's okay," Jaiden said signaling for a waiter, "We can take it home," The waiter brought back a to-go box. We put our food in the boxes and headed home. 

"Oh yeah, today's when we have to do the play," Rebecca said when we got back to the rental house, "I completely forgot!"  

"What time do we have to be there?" Alex asked. Rebecca checked her phone and sighed with relief.

"Oh good, it's at three," She said. It was around eleven o'clock right now, so we had four more hours.

"But we should probably get there early to rehearse, they said that we could as long as we didn't use the effects because they can only afford the effects for the one show." Rebecca said, "Okay everyone get their outfits, but don't put them on. You'll burn to death if you do that," I ran up to mine and Adam's room and grabbed my outfit I picked out. To be honest, I really do look like Kristoff in it


"Great job everyone!"  Rebecca said, "Now in about half an hour, we have to do that in front of a bunch of kids. But luckily, kids don't judge,"  We had just finished rehearsing and it went by very smoothly. Thankfully, I remembered all of my lines and didn't screw anything up. I leaned over onto a statue that was supposed to be the reindeer, Sven. Jaiden looked absolutely adorable in her costume. Suddenly, I didn't feel so right. Like the world was shaking or something. I ran through the back doors outside. My heart was racing and I sat down on the ground. I felt like I was going to die.

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