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Authors note:

Hi! If you don't really ship James and Jaiden, I don't recommend reading this. Nothing against you or anything, but this Epilogue revolves around Jameden. So...thank you for staying with me this far and keeping up with my horrible writing skills.


Four years later

Today is nervous for any girl. My wedding day. I looked in the mirror at my wedding dress one last time before my dad would be walking down the aisle.

"You look beautiful Jaiden," Rebecca said.

"Thanks Rebecca," I said. Then, it was her turn to walk down the aisle and take her place.

"You ready?" My dad asked.

"Yeah" I said. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"I'm so proud of you Jaiden," He said. He took my hand, and we started down the aisle.


"Dude, I think she changed her mind," Adam said, smiling.

"Shut up," I said. Jaiden had to walk down the aisle. I mean, she couldn't just bail, right? I made eye contact with my family who were waving and giving me thumbs ups. I nervously smiled and turned my head to look back down the aisle. Then, I saw her. Jaiden was beautiful. When she got up to the alter, her father put her hand into mine and nodded.

"You were late," I said, whispering.

"You were early," She said, smiling. I smiled back. It seemed like it was just me and her in the room. Like all of reality faded away. She was going to be with me the rest of my life.


"Just one more picture!" Jaiden said, pulling me back over. We all got in positions and the camera man took a photo.

"Okay, are we done?" I said to Jaiden, "This flower crown is killing me!"

"Yeah, we're done," She said, smiling, "Lets go inside." We waited in line to be announced, and when it was my turn, it had to go in with Adam because I was the maid of honor and he was the best man.

"You promise you won't break my hand?" He asked.

"Yeah, no promises," I said, smiling. I held my flowers and he took my hand. After we were announced, everyone stood up for James and Jaiden. They looked so happy together.


"Adam! You can't steal food!" Illy said as I was trying to put some mini cheesecakes into her purse.

"But wedding food is always the best!" I argued. Illy grabbed the cheesecakes and ate one.

"Well, if you're going to eat one," I said, taking the other one, "Then I'm going to eat one," They were so good!

"You wanna dance?" She asked, after we finished.

"Of course!" I said. I took her hand and we made our way to the dance floor. I put my hands on her waist, and slowly danced with her. Then, she put her head on my chest and smiled up at me. I always thought that I loved James, but Illy helped me find true true love. Maybe this was happily ever after all.

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