Chapter 20 Adam

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"Jamison?" I called upstairs. I couldn't find him anywhere. I ran through the halls but found no sign of him. I called Rebecca to let her know that I couldn't find him, but she didn't answer. It was very rare that she wouldn't pick up her phone. But then, it hit me. Of course, she won't pick up her phone! She probably turned it off before the play.

"Smart, Rebecca, smart," I thought out loud. Then my phone buzzed. Was it her? I quickly picked it up, but it wasn't. It was Illy. I decided that I kid of needed a pep talk right now, so I answered it. 

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Adam, I was just calling to see if you were doing okay before the musical," Illy said.

"Yep doin' great!" I lied.

"Adam, I can tell when you're lying," Illy said, "What's up?"

"James is missing," I said, "And we have like five minutes until the musical starts. It's not like him to just run off like that,"

"Well...he probably hasn't done something like this in a while, maybe he's too used to it like he was before," Illy said, "He probably went outside to get some fresh air."

"Jaiden went outside to look for him," I said, "I don't know if she's found him yet though," 

"If she's not back on stage by the time you get there, then she probably not found him yet," Illy explained, "You might want to look for her then,"

"Okay, thanks Illy," I said, "Love you, bye," I hung up and raced backstage to find that not only was Jaiden still looking, but Rebecca was too.

"Do you know whee they are?" I asked Dom,

"No, but the show starts in three minutes," Dom said, urgently.

"I'll go find them," I said quickly. 

"But you'll be on in a few!" Dom said. I quickly thought of another person who would be in a suit.

"If I'm not back before the show starts, Devon can go in my place,"  said, running through the back doors that led outside. I hunted for Jaiden first because it would be easier to find her in broad daylight. I heard a rustle in the bushes and went to go inspect it. There I couldn't believe what I saw. 

"ADAM!?" James yelled, suddenly stopping.  He had been cheating on me with Jaiden.

To be continued...

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