Chapter 8 Adam

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Fake. This was all fake. Though Tim still believed it. I don't know why. He was weird that way.

"Who's next?" Jaiden said in a creepy voice. She threw her ax at Rebecca who fell down at my feet with blood spilling out of her. Fake.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry Jaiden!" Tim said. I think by now he was crying. "I'm sorry I messed up your room! I'm sorry I let Ari out! I'm sorry I called you an ax murderer! I'M SORRY!" Then, Jaiden laughed. I knew she was faking.

"Ha! You just got pranked by a bunch of girls!" Everyone, but Tim, laughed. Tim stared in disbelief at the laughing prospectors around him. Jaiden patted him on the shoulder.

"Happy April fools!" She said.

"What?" Tim asked shaking.

"Tim, I actually wasn't mad at you!" Jaiden said, "I just thought that it was a good background story as to why I was mad at you!"

"Ooh. I guess that makes sense?" Tim responded.

"Jaiden, I didn't think you had any bad blood in you," I said, crossing my arms.

"I know! It's killing me from the inside out!" She exclaimed.

"Well, do you have enough energy to do this?" I took out a marker and knelt down to where Devon had fainted. I then drew a mustache on him. Jaiden laughed. She took a marker from me and drew an eyeglass on Dom. We then all took turns drawing things on their faces, laughing as we did.

"Okay, okay. That's enough for now." Jaiden said, "Let's get them back to their rooms." we grabbed a limb and carried Devon and Dom back to their rooms and laid them on their bed. In the morning we might hear some non-advertiser friendly words. We all decided to call it a night and eat in our rooms. I went back to my room and sat down on my bed eating leftover pizza. I thought about James and the relationship we had. Sure, we were perfect together but that had faded over time. Everything is more dramatized and I kind of wanted things to go back to the way it was. Then my phone buzzed and I checked to see who it was.

 Then my phone buzzed and I checked to see who it was

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I looked to see if anyone was up. Even though it was 1 in the morning, Alex was in the kitchen doing who knows what. I retreated to my bedroom and around twenty minutes later I heard him walk back to his room. I creeped out of my room and ran downstairs to carefully open the door and step out into the courtyard. Just as I did, a person body-slammed me into the nearest bush.

"Hey, Adam," Illy said, kissing me, "I have great news!"

"Okay, but let me get up first!" I said, smiling. I pulled myself up and leaning against the bush. Illy was practically bursting.

"I got excepted!" she squealed, still keeping her volume down. This was great news.

"Really? That's amazing!" I said. Every Thanksgiving, three new animators were excepted into the Animated house. They were told in advance because of moving and all that stuff, though I don't know why we had to do it in frickn' April!

"I know! Now we can see each other every day!" Illy exclaimed.

"Wait, but what about James?" I asked. Even though I thought that James and I should take a break from each other, that didn't mean that he did.

"Oh, yes well that's a problem," Illy said, "We could just meet in secret like this."

"Sure. That seems good." I said, "And you wouldn't have to drive all the way here anymore either!"

"Sounds good!" She said, "I probably have to go,"

"Okay, well I guess I'll see you soon!" I said, standing up. She stood up and kissed me, and then I kissed her back. After she left, I felt my legs drooping and my eyes heavy. I laid down in the grass behind the bush, sleeping peacefully. She meant much more to me then James could ever mean to me.

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