Chapter 28 Adam

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"Hey, long time no see," I said to Illy. We were going on our first official date in the park. It had been a few days since I got back from Hawaii and I was ecstatic to go on a date with Illy.

"I'm glad this all worked out," She said smiling, "Some things are just meant to be," I pulled out some food from In-N-Out. And we started eating.

"How was Hawaii?" She asked me.

"Awesome!," I said, "And someday, I'm going to take you there," She smiled at me. After we ate, we decided to go on a walk. It was nice and peaceful and exactly what we needed. When I got home, everyone was standing in the living room, waiting for me.

"So? How'd it go?" Den asked.

"Did you screw up?" James asked. I had to stop myself from laughing.

"No," I said. Then, everyone started clapping. I walked into the house and went into my room. I laid down on my bed and replayed our whole perfect evening through my head. Then, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said, still laying on my bed. The door opened and it was Tony.

"Hey," He said, "This came for you. It said to open it with no witnesses, or something," He handed me a small box and quickly left my room and shut the door behind him. I carefully opened the package and saw what was inside. There was a piece of paper twisted around something hard. I opened the paper and a small chain with a circular piece of metal on it fell out. The piece had a swirl impeded in it. I opened the piece of paper and read the note.

 I opened the piece of paper and read the note

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Thn, it all came rushing back to me. That night when we were camping out, it was stuck with something. Something that made me forget. Then, I sped over to Rebecca's room with the note and pendent in my hand. I knocked on her door.

"Yes?" She said, opening the door a crack.

"Rebecca? Did you receive something lately?" I asked trying to be settle. She squinted her eyes.

"Who wants to know?" She said. Then, I took the necklace from my hand and showed it to her. Her eyes widened and finally let me in.

"I got one of those too," She said, pointing to the necklace and pulling out her own. They were identical, "I also got a note," She showed me a piece of crumpled up paper. It was also identical in words to mine, except it had her name on it. 

"What do think this means?" She asked. 

"I don't know," I said, "But it might be because we passed out or something," Rebecca nodded.

"Yeah, because it says sorry for the inconvenience," She said. This made me think. But why did we passed out in the first place? Did we get in the way? What were that planning? But that is another story for another time.

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