Chapter 21 Jaiden

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"Adam, this is not what it looks like," James said. I had found James with some pre-show jitters hiding in the bushes. Why this happened, I do not know. But, I helped him get back onto his feet and we...uh...kissed....and then Adam just walks in on us...doing it! It's like we're in one of those drama shows or a book!

"'re cheating on me?" Adam said in a WAY less angry tone then I thought, "Dude! I'm cheating on you!" I was shocked. 

"Wait, really?" James said, "Well I guess that makes us even!" He ran over to hug Adam. I, however, was very confuzzled. Maybe because I was a girl and usually we'd get fuming mad at each other if this happened. 

"No way!" James said, "Who?" Adam paused for a moment and then blushed.

"Illy," He said.

"Dude! Congratulations! A girl actually took interest in you!" James said.

"Same with you!" Adam said, "And you two are SO adorable together!" Suddenly, Dom burst through the stage door.

"The show has been canceled till further notice," He said, breathlessly.

"What?" We all said in unison.

"Rebecca was found...dead," I couldn't believe it. Rebecca couldn't be dead. I didn't want to believe it!

"Well, technically she's still breathing," Dom said. I let out a sigh of relief. "But it's like she's passed out, but isn't waking up," Dom went back in and we followed him.

"Wait," Adam said, "Before we go in, James," Adam put James' hands into his, "I'm officially breaking up with you,"

"And I am officially breaking up with you," James said, "But no bad blood between us?"

"Not a drop," Adam replied, smiling. They hugged it out. 

"Oh, and one more thing," I said before we went in, "Tony doesn't know, but I have decided that I'll break up with him."

"I won't say a word," Adam said. We ran in the backstage and through the crowd of people. We finally found everyone waiting outside the door of a waiting room.

"Anything?" I asked, hopefully.

"No," Tony said, "But they think that they're going to move her to the main hospital instead of keeping her in the children's," 

"Oh," I said, "can we see her?"

"Yeah," Alex said, "We just came out," I opened the door to see Rebecca laying on a bed with her eyes opened and fogged. Though she was still breathing, it looked like she was dead. She looked like Adam when he passed out a little while back. 

"Rebecca? Can you still hear me?" I said. She moaned a little, but that was all I got out of her. Then, a doctor walked through the door with paramedics behind him. 

"Please move, we're going to send her to the main hospital," The paramedics picked her up and put her on the stretcher. 

"Can we come too?" Dom asked outside.

"Sure," said the Doctor, "We're going to contact her family, and fly them out here if they wish." As I started to walk to follow the others to the parking lot, I saw something flutter to the ground. It looked familiar. I picked up what looked like a note. I had no idea where it came from.

 I had no idea where it came from

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