Chapter 15 Rebecca

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"We'll be there by noon," 

"Okay, thanks, Mom!" My family was coming over to judge auditions today. Everything was going smoothly. We had put animating on pause since we had less than two weeks to put this show together. I decided that I would audition for the role of Elsa. Okay, I know what you're thinking, I want the main part because I'm the OG theatre kid. But I just want to sing Let it Go is that too much to ask for?


"Okay everyone, we have made our final decisions," My mom said. I had nailed my audition. Though, all the anxiety from auditioning in high school came flooding back. Luckily, it was in front of my family and not Medusa. But then that relief afterward. The best feeling in the world! My Mom put the flier on the projector and we all stood up to see it. 

I couldn't believe it! I actually got the part! I was very happy

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I couldn't believe it! I actually got the part! I was very happy. Everyone seemed pleased with their parts too, even the ones who had small ones. Though, Jaiden didn't look that happy. She went back up to her room. I followed there up and knocked on the door.

"Come in," She said. I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed with the script in her hands.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just never expected to get the part," She said, sighing, "I'm not that good in the spotlight."

"Well, I'm not that good either," I said, "I know I got the main part, but I don't know if I can go on the stage again. I haven't been since high school," 

"I haven't since elementary school," She said. She beat me in that conversation.

" can either worry about it or have a fun time," I said, "Besides, James is your love interest!" Jaiden laughed.

"I will enjoy that," She said, standing up, "Thanks Rebecca," 

"Your welcome," I said and started to leave her room, "Oh and Jaiden, can you make me the maid of honor when you and James get married?" 


The next few weeks went by like a blur. The children's hospital told us that they would provide the stage and sets, so that was nice. But we had to buy our own costumes. So, instead of being creative and making our own costumes, we all got into Adam's truck and went to Party City. 

"Excuse me," I asked one of the workers, "Do you have any costumes from the movies frozen?"

"Sure, down aisle four," The employee said, pointing. 

"Thanks," I responded we all walked to the aisle he pointed too.

"How did you do that?" Jaiden asked me.

"How did I do what?" I asked confused.

"Talk to the employee that easily?" James asked, bewildered, "What do you do?" Then I remembered that James and Jaiden were both huge introverts. Yeah, they defiantly would make a great couple. 

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