Chapter 14 James

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"I just don't understand," I said, "Why would there be an epi-pen in Adam's hand? And with a creepy note on it?" 

"This is creeping me out," Jaiden said, "What if we're all in danger?"

"Then we have to be careful about what we look at," I said, looking around anxiously, "Ya know what, we should probably go in," 

"Yeah, I think we should too," Jaiden said.


It was weird not having Adam around. It was like when your pet dies, and sometimes you think that they're still there doing all of their old habits, but then you have to remember that they're gone. Now, Adam temporarily moving back with his parents was different in a way. When you come to the realization that he's not there, you just think oh yeah, he's coming back soon. That Saturday, the house got checked for mold. Luckily for us, there wasn't any mold. So we moved back in the following day. We were going to leave for Hawaii in two weeks. It was nice to be back in my room, even though it smelled horrible. I heard a light knock on the door. I went to open it a crack, not knowing who it was.

"Hello? Jamison?" It was Adam. I opened the door all the way and ran to hug him.

"I missed you," I said.

"Same here," He responded. 


"Okay, I have called this meeting for an important announcement," Dom said, "Unfortunately, the word that we were going to Hawaii got out and...well...just look," He put a flier on the projector.

just look," He put a flier on the projector

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"So...I guess we're putting on a musical?" I asked. I haven't been in a musical since high school.

"We can't say no. Not to those kids," Dom said.

"Okay, everyone we are on official theater crunch mode!" Rebecca said, stepping up to the stage. Dom respectively stepped down and took a seat. Everyone knew that Rebecca was the OG theatre kid. 

"Now, we have less than two weeks to put this play together. Auditions begin tomorrow. The scripts will be printed out and given by the end of the day," 

"Wait, but we don't know what musical we're doing," Alex said.

"That's what I'm getting to," Rebecca said, giving him a glare, "So let's vote," She read off the musical names one by one and we all voted for the one we wanted to do. Honestly, I voted for frozen. Not because I liked it, but a lot of people said I looked like Kristoff. Frozen won. Rebecca dismissed the meeting and her and Dom got working on the script. At the end of the day, true to her word, Rebecca dropped off the script. I looked through it and saw the highlighted lines to say when we would audition. 


"So...who are you going to audition for?" I asked Jaiden that night.

"I don't know," she said, "I don't really want a big part, maybe I'll get a guard," 

"Well, we all have to audition," I said, "Rebecca 'requires' it," 

"Is she going  to audition?" Jaiden asked, "Because I thought she would be a judge," 

"I think that her family is coming over and judging," I said, "I'm not for sure though," 

"Well, then I'll actually try out for a part," Jaiden said, "But I'm not going to tell you because it's going to be a surprise,"

"Okay," I said, "But I'll be proud even if you get some random guard person," 

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