Chapter 27 Rebecca

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"Okay, no one is forgetting anything?" Dom asked us, "Because I don't want to have to turn around because someone forgot something important," I was sad that we were leaving Hawaii. Though, I was glad that James and Jaiden finally got together for real. I got into the rental car for the last time as Adam drove off to return the rental car. It was a long half an hour drive to the rental place and I fell asleep until Devon woke me up to tell me we were there.

"Ah, I remember you!" The lady behind the front desk cheerfully said to Adam when we walked in. He gave her the paper forms and we were off to catch a bus. It wasn't that long from the rental car place to the airport. When we got there, we checked in our bags and waited for our flight to board.

"Hey, Rebecca," Jaiden said, "Do you want to go raid the stores?" Den and Tabbes were with her too.

"Sure?" I said. I was still tired. Jaiden grabbed my hand and we sped off to Panera. We ordered breakfast since it was around seven in the morning and we didn't have time to grab breakfast at the house. I got a ham and cheese sandwich, and while I was eating it, noticed that a young girl was walking up to me with fanart in her hand.

"This is for you!" She said, sweetly. Her mom (I'm guessing) was sitting a few tables away from us.

"Thank you!" I said. It was a picture of me in the girlfriend fairy costume. It was especially well-drawn for her age. She smiled and skipped back to her mom. Later, Jaiden, Den, Tabbes, and I went back to where we last saw the boys. Jaiden insisted we ride on the moving sidewalk, so we did. When we got back, I stuffed the fanart into my backpack. 

"Have they called our flight yet?" I asked.

"No," Tim said, "Or we wouldn't be sitting here," Valid point. After a while, they called our flight and I squeezed into a seat with Devon this time. James and Jaiden sat in the seat in front of us, Adam and Tony sat in the seat in the back of us and, And Tabbes and Den sat in the seat across from us. It was a very long and relaxing-ish flight home. When we landed, we immediately ordered Ubers. 

"It's nice to be back in California," Adam said, while we were sitting on a bench waiting for our Ubers that were a half an hour late. It was getting dark really fast. I looked at my phone and saw that our Ubers were almost there.

"Okay," Tabes said, "If the Uber doesn't get here in three minutes, I'm going to-" Just then, both of our Ubers pulled up to the airport.

"Sorry about that," The first one said, "Traffic," We split up and got into the cars. Around a half an hour later, I saw that we were home.

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