Chapter 6 James

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I woke up to the familiar sound of Mario Maker. There was a blanket wrapped around me, and Adam was playing Mario Maker.

"Good morning Jamison." He said.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I asked, "What time is it anyway?"

"Around seven," Adam said. There was no going back, I was awake now. I went back up to my room, but I saw footprints going to Jaiden's. I let my curiosity get the best of me and went to knock on the door, only to find that it was open. I walked into the room to find Ari's cage fallen over and a picture of birds on her desk. Every one of them was crossed out.

Jaiden's bed was a mess and there was a knife in the middle of it

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Jaiden's bed was a mess and there was a knife in the middle of it. Her window was opened and I ligitamently got scared. There was money scattered all over the place and a briefcase was opened with the word's Joe's 10k birds on a business card. The closet was cracked open and I ran over to it and opened it. Then I just lost it. There was a body laying on the floor that looked like Jaiden's. I screamed.

"Haha, April fools!" Tim said. I slapped him in the face. He, by no surprise, kept laughing.

"Why would you do that?" I said, half yelling. By further inspection, the body was a dummy with a wig and one of Jaiden's shirts and shorts.

"It's April first." He said, "Jaiden went for a run this morning, so I seized the opportunity."

"Wait, where's Ari?" I asked.

"He's in my room." Tim said, "Or at least that's where I put him," I ran out of Jaiden's room and opened up Tim's. By no surprise, the window was opened. And Ari was nowhere in sight.

"Tim? Are you sure that you left him in your room?" I asked, smirking a little. Sure it was bad that Ari got out, but this was the ultimate revenge. Tim came running down the hall and took one look at his room. He then sprinted towards the door and ran out into the courtyard and started looking through the bushes and trees. I ran after him, I didn't want to miss this.

"James! Help me!" He said.

"No, I'll just watch," I said, smiling. This might be the best part of April fools so far.

"Looking for something?" Jaiden was back with Ari in her hand. I have never seen her so angry.

"I was playing a prank on James?" Tim said, "Oh, and you found Ari!"

"James, please excuse us," Jaiden said, back to her original tone. I walked back to the house and closed the door behind me. Then I heard her yell some pretty non-advertiser things. I went back to my room immediately.

"Tim, I will get revenge on you and oh will it be pretty!" Jaiden said, walking back into the house with Tim practically on his knees. She walked up to her room and slammed the door behind her.


Jaiden didn't come down for breakfast which was reasonable. She was pretty ticked with Tim.

"Where is Jaiden?" Tony asked me in the Art room.

"Oh, Tim messed up her room to prank me, and lost Ari for about an she isn't too happy," I responded. She never came out of her room for the rest of the day. Though, I did see Rebecca, Tabbes, and Den go up a few times. I understood this what some might call a 'girl moment'. It was unlike her to be upset over something so small. Or maybe it was the perfect leverage for revenge.

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