Chapter 19 Rebecca

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"Places everyone! Places! The show was about to start in ten minutes and the room was already packed with patients of every age. 

"Rebecca!" Jaiden and Adam came running towards me, "Rebecca, we can't find James!" 

"What?" I said, stunned, "I know James isn't on until later, but he should be here!" 

"When was the last time you saw him?"  Adam asked concerned.

"Um...The last scene at rehearsal," I said, "But I haven't seen him since, I thought that he was getting ready or going to the bathroom or something like that!"

"We'll go look for him," Jaiden said, "How much time do we have?" 

"Around nine minutes," I said, checking my watch. I ran over to Dom, "James is missing, if we can't find him in time then  you're his understudy," 

"Okay?" Dom said, confused. Me, Jaiden, and Adam bolted towards the back doors.

"Okay," I said when we were safely backstage, "Jaiden you go outside, Adam, you check upstairs, and I'll check on the main floor,"  

"Okay," they said. The problem was that the only way out to the main floor was through the crowd. And If I have learned anything from highschool plays and musicals, its that you should ever go into a crowd of people in costume. But right now, I have no choice. I shuffled my way through the crowd. Immediately people started clapping and asking me for autographs. Little kids started to run up and hug me. Not as me, but as Elsa.

"Kids, we should let princess Elsa through," I heard some adults say. Technically, I was a queen, but I didn't have time (or the guts) to correct them. Thank goodness for the people who kindly let me through. But as I found my way out, I felt something on my leg. I looked down to see a little girl around the age of six or seven holding onto my leg for dear life. 

"Um...hi?" I said, looking at her. Then, a woman came running out of the crowd and pulled her off of me.

"I am so sorry," She said, "Elsa is her favorite princess," 

"It's okay," I said, "I just have to be somewhere real quick," 

"Okay, and good luck," She responded. I quickly ran through the doors in hopes of finding James close by. Then, I saw figure talking to another.

"James?" I said, thinking that Adam or Jaiden had already found him. They both snapped their heads towards me and walked over in perfect synchronization. 

"No, but you know too much," One of them said, in a distorted voice. I turned to run, but I felt something stab my leg. I went numb and fell to the ground. 

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