Chapter 17 Jaiden

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"Took you long enough," I said when James got out of the rental car. Den and Adam were behind them.

"Sorry, but it turns out renting two cars takes a lot of paperwork," He said, "So who's getting in with me and who's getting in with Adam and Den?" We arranged the car places and we were off to our rental house. Yeah, we got a rental house but only because the hotels had one to two beds. Me, Tony, Tabbes, and Dom rode with James (who was driving), and Rebecca, Den, Devon, Tim, and Alex rode with Adam. 

"Can I borrow someone's phone?" James asked after around ten minutes of silence, "Mine is dead,"

"Here," Dom said, handing James his phone. James stopped at a red light and typed in the address to our rental house. Then, his face fell.

"Oops," James said.

"Oops? What do you mean 'oops'?" Dom asked.

"Umm...I may have missed a turn," James said, concerned.

"No big deal," Tabbes said, "Just pull into someone's driveway and turn around or do a U-turn,"

"The thing is," James said, "I missed it maybe...I don't miles back?" 

"WHAT?" We all yelled.

"How long has your phone been dead?" I asked, astonished.

"For a while," James said, "And I can't do a U-turn because it's a business area!" 

"So we're stuck here until we get out of this business area?" Tony asked, "You've got to be kidding me," 

"Unless," Tabbes said, "Pull into that business parking lot," 

"Tabbes, I don't want to make it seem that we work there," James said, "I'll just wait," Then, Tabbes, unbuckled her seat belt and grabbed the wheel and turned it into the nearest parking lot, swerving not to hit the car. We all screamed and I held onto my seat for dear life. Tabbes made the car safely into the parking lot.

"You're welcome," She said, sitting back and putting on ner seatbelt like it didn't phase her.

"You see, this is why I always say 'wear your seatbelt'!" James said.


After that traumatizing experience, we met up with the others. The house was gorgeous. Like something that would pop up for a wallpaper choice on a computer. 

We got there later, so we didn't really do much but shop for snacks and food to fill the fridge with

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We got there later, so we didn't really do much but shop for snacks and food to fill the fridge with. There weren't enough rooms for us, so we assigned roommates. I got to room with Rebecca, which I was happy because she wouldn't question me when I snuck out at night to meet James. Yeah, we were still meeting up with each other. But like, c'mon the beach is the perfect place for a date!


"So, a walk on the beach?" I asked James downstairs.

"You got it!" he said, carefully opening the screen door. The beach was literally the backyard of our house! We walked along the shoreline, holding each other's hands with no shame.

"I wish that it could be like this every day," James said.

"Me too, " I said, putting my head on his arm, "Life would be so much brighter," 

"Okay, I want to show you something!" James said, sitting me down and covering my eyes, "You're going to love this in," He carefully lifted his hands from my eyes. I gasped. The sun was slowly rising. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! 

"It's beautiful!" I said.

"Yeah, I read that Hawaii's sunrises are one of the most beautiful sunrises in America," He said. Then, suddenly he fell or slipped or something happened and he was covered in water.

"James!" I said, pulling him out. He had seaweed all over him.

"Next time I show you a sunrise, remind me to seek higher ground," He said, spitting out water.

"How are we going to cover this up?" I asked, worried.

"I've got it!" James said, "I'll just jump into the pool and pretend that I got up early to go swimming!"

"I don't know who would believe that, but okay!" I said, "We should probably get back,"

"Yeah," James said. We ran back to the house and James changed into his swimsuit and jumped into the pool. I quickly ran upstairs and found Rebecca already awake. 

"How was your date?" She asked, throwing me my pajamas to change into.

"It was so romantic," I said, quickly changing back into my pajamas, "James showed me the sunrise!"

"Awww!" Rebecca said, "He's such a gentleman!"

"Yeah," I said, laughing, "And of course all gentlemen fall into the tide coming in!" 

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