Chapter 13 Jaiden

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"Well, this is a risk," I said, walking through the bushes. 

"Shush, we're almost there," James said, "Besides, it's fun being at risk. This whole relationship is a risk!"

"Yeah, but I'm more of a 'taking a risk when everyone is inside a house that can barely detect sound' person!" I said. 

"We're here!" James said, "The most romantic place that isn't close to anyone!" I gasped. James had taken me to a creek covered with beautiful flowers and in the middle of it was a giant rock with a picnic basket and blanket. 

"Wow! James!" I said, astonished, "You did all of this?" 

"Yes, anything for my girl!" He said kissing me.

"Wait, how do we get across?" I asked. The only way to get to the rock was to wade across the water. 

"Well, I told you to wear open shoes for a reason!" James said. He grabbed my hand and I followed him into the ankle-deep water. We dried off our feet and sat down to eat which consisted of watermelon, Oreos, Vegan-chicken sandwiches, and some ginger ale. 

"Ya know if this were a Disney movie we'd be singing about how perfect each other are but how hard it is to stay in this relationship," James said.

"Yeah, and then we'd have a dance number in the water," I said, smiling.

"Well," James said, handing me an airpod, "May I have this dance?" 

"Sure," I said. We danced to the song, Can't Help Falling In Love. This night was perfect. 


"ADAM!" I wake up to people screaming Adam's name. I got up and saw Adam laying on the ground with an epi-pen in his hand. His eyes were fogged and James tried to sit him up, but his whole body was limp. 

"What happened?" I asked, shocked.

"We don't know," Tony said hugging me, "We just found him on the ground," 

"Wait, there's a note on the epi-pen," James said. He pulled it off and read it aloud.

"Well, whoever wrote this obviously doesn't care about spelling and grammar," James said, finishing his note

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"Well, whoever wrote this obviously doesn't care about spelling and grammar," James said, finishing his note.

"So...all we have to do is stick him with this epi-pen, and he's back?" Rebecca asked.

"Yeah, I guess," James said, "But where do we stick it?" 

"In movies, they stick it in their leg," Tabbes said, "Near their thigh," 

"Okay, here goes nothing," James said. He took the epi-pen and stabbed it in Adam's left thigh.

"AAAHHHH!" Adam yell, sitting straight up, "What did you do that for? I was sleeping!" 

"Adam, you passed out," James said, "This note said that it would bring you back!" 

"He should probably go to the hospital," Rebecca suggested.

"Good idea, I'll take him," James said, nearly picking up Adam.

"Guys, I'm fine!" Adam said, "I must have just passed out in my sleep!"

"And that's exactly why I'm taking you," James said.


There wasn't really that much to eat. Just some whole wheat waffles, leftover steak (which I couldn't eat), and a box of 7-up (Rebecca and Tim went to get some more food later). We found an old water pump in the shed and turned it to help clear out the water. The insurance company came over to look at the damage and on a great note, said that we could easily move back into the house in a few days as long as we got the house checked for mold. Dom went ahead and scheduled that appointment. James and Adam got back from the hospital and said that Adam ha most likely got an allergic reaction in his sleep. So after hearing that, Adam went back to temporarily stay at his parents. 

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