Chapter 23 Rebecca

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"I still don't understand how or why I passed out," I told the doctor. They were examining me because I didn't remember anything, except I fell asleep on a bench in the main lobby of the Children's Hospital.

"I don't know what to tell you," He said, "But you could have imagined things when you were passed out. That's all I can say," 

" I allergic to anything here in Hawaii? Can I still be on vacation with my friends?" I asked. It would be a disappointment if I wasted most of my salary on this trip and I couldn't even have fun!

"You can still stay here," The Doctor said, "You're in perfect health condition." Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. The Doctor opened it and my mom, my sister, and my brother walked in. 

"Are you okay?" My mom asked, rushing over to me, "We got here as soon as possible!" 

"Yes, I'm fine!" I said, "I luckily woke up,"

"So...we came here for nothing?" My sister asked. My mom glared at her, "Sorry, but I just came to see if you were okay," 

"Same," My brother said. The Doctor took my mom and siblings to another room to talk to them. Then I got a text from Dom.

I went up to the Doctor and tapped him on the shoulder

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I went up to the Doctor and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Can I go?" I asked him. 

"Of course," He said, "Let me know if you feel light-headed or anything that feels like you're going to pass out." I hugged my family goodbye and grabbed my costume that was sitting on a chair. I had no other clothes with me, so I just left in my hospital gown. I found where everyone else was an got into the car with Adam, Den, Devon, Tim, and Alex. Everyone was still in.

"So, the plan is to get back home and change and I guess we'll spend the rest of the day at the beach," Adam said, putting our rental home's address into his phone.

"Sounds good," I said and everyone else agreed. Adam texted James the plan and we headed home.

"What about the play?" I asked Adam.

"The children's hospital rescheduled in two days, and they kindly said that if we need more time, they would be more than happy to reschedule," 

"That's nice," I said, "I just want to relax after that whole episode,"


When we got home, everyone was happy to change out of their costumes. Then, we went out to the beach. We all had fun looking for seashells and relaxed in the ocean. James got pinched by a crab on his finger while he was trying to dive to the bottom of the ocean (dare by Devon) and despite his protests was pulled out of the water by Jaiden to get it checked. James and Jaiden were levitating towards each other than usual, which made me think, is this safe?

"Don't they look cute together?" Adam said, sitting next to me.

"I suppose," I said, giving him a suspicious look. He knew something that I didn't, and I was going to find out.

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