Chapter 22 James

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"I'm sorry, but are you or are you not a patient here?"

"I'm visiting a friend," I said, confidently. I was in the hospital cafeteria getting something to eat. Eating in a hospital with Rebecca unconscious was not the vacation I had imagined. But we can all agree that eating from a hospital cafeteria was cool. I'm going to make a video about this, I thought. I picked out a yogurt, a caesar salad, and a ham sandwich, paid for it, and sat down at a table with Adam.

"Did you tell them that we broke up?" I asked him.

"Nah, Jaiden said to wait until she and Tony broke up," He answered, "Which, I can see the reasoning about that," Just then, Jaiden burst open the cafeteria doors with a piece of paper in her hand. 

"Hey guys," She said, sitting down at our table, "I have some good news,"

"She's awake?" I asked, excitingly.

"Unfortunately, no," She said sadly, "But I found something back at the children's hospital,"  She unfolded the piece of paper.

"Unfortunately, no," She said sadly, "But I found something back at the children's hospital,"  She unfolded the piece of paper

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"It looks like the same paper when Adam passed out," I observed.

"What?" He asked, confused. I forgot that he didn't remember it.

"So, the same person hurt Rebecca hurt Adam too," She said, "Though, I don't know why it says numbers," Suddenly, something set off Adam. He jumped up from his chair and ran through the cafeteria door, down the hall.

"Adam! Where are you going?" I called after him. Jaiden ad I ran after him, finding that he was running towards Rebecca's room. The others were in her room and were surprised to see Adam sprinting towards Rebecca.

"Twenty-four-thirty-seven," He said one inch away from her ear. Suddenly, Rebecca sat straight up, breaking the IV connected to her. 

"What the heck happened?" She said, taking in the surroundings.

"Rebecca, you passed out," I said, not knowing if she would remember.

"Huh?" She asked, "What do you mean 'passed out'? I was sleeping! and if Adam wouldn't have yelled in my ear, I would still have been asleep!" It took her a good half an hour to calm down. Though, I realized that Tony slipped out of the room. I decided to follow him to see where he was going.

"Hey," I called to him. He whipped his head around. That's when I realized that he was the one who did it.

"What do you want James?"  He asked me.

"I know what you did," I said, "Why?" Tony slowly turned around.

"I can't tell you everything," He said, "But I can tell you that my Dad works for...well these people...and its kinda top secret, like Area fifty-one top yeah," This surprised me.

"Wait, so you stuck Adam and Recca with I'm guessing an epi-pen?" I asked him.

"No, that was someone else, but I do know who, but I can't tell you," He said. I understood. Not everything entirely, but why he couldn't tell me. 

"Also, I know your secret too," He said, "And, I get it. Me and Jaiden never really had a spark, to begin with. I kind just dated her so she wouldn't feel lonely or out of place. I guess for me too," I smiled. Tony was always a good person, and I don't expect him to hold a grudge.

"Thanks," I said.

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