Chapter 24 Adam

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"Adam! Wake up! It's the day of the musical!" I woke up to see James with two duffle bags, shaking me awake.

"James, It's nine in the morning! The musical doesn't start until two!" James was very overprepared for this. Yesterday, Rebecca sent all of us a schedule.

 Yesterday, Rebecca sent all of us a schedule

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I'm just going for the food. I sluggishly got up and got ready for the day. As I was rushing to go downstairs, I ran into Jaiden on her way downstairs.

"Hey, are you going to break up with Tony yet?" I asked her.

"No, but I have decided that I'm going to do it after the play. I'm going to ask him if he would like to take a walk on the beach after Rebecca takes us all out to dinner. Then, I'll tell him that I have to break up with him," Jaiden seemed confident with her plan, which was good. We ran downstairs to get some breakfast. 

"Hey, Jaiden!" Tony said when he saw her, "Do you want to go walk on the beach or something after we go out to eat after the play," Wow! That went over well. A little too well...

"Uh, yeah! Sure!" Jaiden said, surprised as much as I was.


"Okay everyone, break a leg!" Rebecca said, "But don't actually break a leg," It was five minutes till showtime and Rebecca was keeping a watchful eye on James so he wouldn't another Anxiety attack. The musical started and the curtain went up. The kids were enthusiastic to see it, and it kinda warmed my heart. Okay, it REALLY warmed my heart. Before the musical, Tabbes made me sign a 'contract' (since we were married in the musical) that it was all just an act and I understood that we weren't together in real life. Obviously I signed it because I don't have any love feeling towards her what so ever. Also, I'm scared of her. The play went very smoothly. And you might be thinking, oh something's going to go wrong, but no, nothing went wrong. I could tell that the feeling between James and Jaiden was real. I saw Tony eyeing them too. 


"Good! You made it!" Rebecca said when we met up with the others. The musical was over and we all went back home to change and go out to eat. Tony and Jaiden were going on their walk after we all eat. We all decided on pizza to eat because we wanted to try pineapple on pizza (Even thorough it was created in Canada). We got a table and ordered a large pineapple pizza.

"Okay, should we all just eat it at once?" James said, picking up a piece of pizza.

"I suppose," I said picking up mine. It wasn't that I thought pineapple pizza looked bad, I just didn't know how it would taste, "Okay, we all take a bite in" I took a bite into it and it actually didn't taste bad.

"Mmm! That actually tastes good!" Tim said as surprised as I was. It tasted sweet, but not too sweet because it was cooked onto the pizza and it had ham on it too. It was the perfect balance between sweet and salty.  And I'm not ashamed to say that it might be my new favorite type of pizza. 

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