Spa Day!

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"See? What did I tell you? This spa is amazing and you're having fun." Asmodeus and Alicia sat in the sauna, having spent the whole afternoon getting massages and facial treatments. "You're glowing, and this is the least stressed you've looked since you got here."

"I appreciate this Asmodeus." Alicia leaned back against the wooden wall, wiping her face a little from the sweat. 

"Don't touch your face sweetie, your pores are exposed. If there's any dirt on your hands, it'll get in there, and then all this would've been for nothing." With the press of a button, water fell from the ceiling and on to the hot rocks.

"Right, thanks. So...Why did you invite me out, anyway? This seems like it would be a lot more enjoyable by yourself instead of having someone tag along and ask questions." 

"You would think that, but I enjoy the company. Along with that, I realized Lucifer was right. If we want you to feel more comfortable around us, we have to get to know you, and what's the best way to bond with someone other than getting pampered at a spa?" Asmodeus laughed and glanced over at the human. "So, how did your meeting with Lucifer go? Mammon was pouty all morning that he took you away from him." 

"It went fine, I just had a few more questions about the program and where everyone thinks I am. It was short and to the point." 

"I'm happy to hear that. Stress is bad for the skin. I might not be able to answer many of your questions about the program, but I can answer any other questions you might have."

"Why does Belphie hate humans?" Alicia leaned forward with a curious look on her face. 

"Except that one. That's a conversation I don't recommend that you have with anyone. Just stay out of his way, and you'll make it to the end of your stay." 

"Oh come on. He tried to serve me raw meat on Thursday, I'm not going to make it to the end if he keeps that up." Pursing her lips, she moved to sit back against the wall again. "Okay...How do I get your other brothers to like me?"

"No one hates you here, except Belphagor, but that's him."

"Yeah but no one particularly likes me, people are kinda rude, and I feel tolerated." 

Asmodeus shrugged a bit. "We all have our little quirks. You're a guest of Diavolo, and you're the responsibility of Lucifer, which means we're all kind of responsible for you. It feels like an added chore, but we agreed with the program so we have to accept responsibility."

"Is there anything I can do so I won't feel like such a burden?" 

"You can talk to Solomon." 

"The warlock?"

"Yup. I'm sure he has something that might keep you safe so we don't have to turn the corners looking for you." Asmodeus smiled brightly as he thought about Solomon. "I have a pact with him, so I've seen what he's capable of. He has to have something."

"Can you put in a word for me?"

"You'd be better off asking him yourself. I don't play telephone sweetie." There was a small bell and the steam was yanked out of the room. "Hmph, our hour is up. Do you want to grab a bite to eat before we go back?"

"Who's on kitchen duty tonight?" Alicia wrapped the towel around herself and walked out of the room, grabbing her clothes off of the rack beside the door.

"Beelzebub... on second thought, let's go eat and grab something for the others. We'll go grocery shopping so you can find something appetizing." 

The two walked to the grocery store next door, and while Asmo was busy filling his cart, Alicia was preoccupied with reading labels. 

"So has anyone here caught your eye?" 

"Excuse me?"

"Oh come on Alicia, you've been here for a week. You may be quiet, but you're not blind. I know how demons stack up against humans, you have to be looking at someone by now." Asmodeus smiled brightly while he searched her face. "Come on."

"I haven't been looking at anyone. I've been trying to avoid getting eaten and avoid being poisoned. Besides, there's no point in trying to find someone here if I'm just going to leave at the end of the year." Alicia shrugged and started putting items in her basket. Asmodeus laughed again and moved so he was mere inches from the girl. 

"You don't have to fall in love here, but you will eventually have an itch. We all have an itch. Lucky for you, I was in charge of making up your room." His eyes glowed their soft pink while he leaned over her shoulder, extremely close to her ear. "If you won't find someone to help you, I've made sure that you have something to help yourself."

Alicia blushed furiously and held the basket close to her. She scoffed and turned around to look at him, staring up into his eyes. "I don't appreciate you using your power on me like this."

"Honey, you need to relax. The spa was step one, but nothing will fully undo those nerves like a mind-blowing orgasm. You'll have the rest of the evening to yourself after dinner, so there's no need to fight with me on this." 

"Are you always so privy when it comes to people's sexual lives?" 

"This is barely scratching the surface. I'll be more than happy to help you explore yourself if that'll make you feel better."

"Absolutely not." Alicia laughed and shook her head. "I appreciate the concern Asmodeus, but I'm fine. I can explore myself, I've been doing it for a while now." 

"Suit yourself. We still have plenty of time before your time here ends, I'm sure you'll come around eventually." Asmodeus gently nudged Alicia and the two went on with their shopping. 

After dinner, Alicia sat on the side of her bed, staring at her D.D.D. So far the only texts she received that evening was the number to a therapist Lucifer found, and a message from Leviathan asking if she wanted to hang out tomorrow. From the looks of it, Asmodeus was right. Her evening was hers, and it looked like she was free to do whatever she wanted. She looked around her room and absently picked up her clothes off the floor. Maybe I should do my laundry tonight. 

She thought about what she would be doing by now if she were home, more than likely she would be laying at the end of her mother's bed, simply playing with her while her siblings wrecked the house. 

A soft laugh escaped her. "Man I'm boring." She placed her clothes on her computer chair and grabbed a new pair of pajamas before heading to the bathroom. While waiting for the water to warm up, she stared at the showerhead, noticing three buttons she didn't see before and a lock that would allow her to detach it from its holder. Slowly taking off her clothes, she decided to indulge in herself. She had nothing else going on. 

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