Yes, Boss?

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Story Notes:

Please be advised that this chapter features a brief moment of sexual coercion. 

Mammon sat on the side of his bed, wondering if he should go knock on Alicia's door and let her know that he wouldn't be able to help her that morning. He couldn't believe he forgot, this was a weekly thing, how could he forget? A sense of dread and annoyance washed over him, he hated needing to run to these girls' beck and call, but this was better than the alternative: being split into three pieces and owned by them. 

He stared at himself in the mirror of his bathroom, rubbing his eyes. The dread was visible on his face. He was never fond of his arrangement with the witches, and he still felt a sense of betrayal when Lucifer didn't try to help him out with that whole ordeal, though in a way he did. At least he was whole. 

Mammon didn't want to imagine the look of disappointment on Alicia's face when he told her he couldn't help her today. The very thought made him feel sick to his stomach, but he couldn't refuse his girls. He was quick to wash his face, brush his teeth, and throw on a comfortable pair of pants and a tee shirt.  His mind raced with all the possible responses he was going to get from her. Anger? Rejection? Disappointment? He was making himself feel nauseous. 

Why did it matter, anyway? She was just a stupid human, he was a busy demon and he told her that the day he met her. If she had a problem with it, that wasn't his problem. "I don't answer to her." He scoffed, throwing on his shades and his jacket. The sooner he saw the witches, the sooner he would be back. 

He glanced at the clock on his dresser, 5:00 AM. Surely he could handle his business and come back before Alicia even noticed he was gone. "Only an hour..." He dashed out of the house without a second thought. 

Mammon walked down the alley of Devildom street, hands in his pocket and hood covering his face. It was no surprise to anyone that he was bad with money, he was a man with many debts, but he would die if anyone found out he was indebted to not one, but three of the most powerful witches in the Devildom. What sort of ruler allowed themselves to be used like that?

He stood in front of a brick wall, carefully running his hand over it. He hissed when he felt a small prick in his middle finger, the blood dropping on the concrete under him. A silver doorway manifested, and with a reluctant sigh, he walked in. 

"Mammon, we were afraid you'd stand us up." Saphonya purred, crossing her legs behind her desk. "You haven't been answering my text messages." The woman's beautiful black hair almost curtained around her face, her fire red eyes drilling right through to his core. She leaned over the desk and glared at him. "What's going on?"

"Lucifer gave me a new charge and I need to be attentive to them. One of our new exchange students. If something happens to them, it's my head."

"If you ignore my messages again, it'll be your head." The witch grinned wickedly and sat back in her chair. 

"Very clever using gender-neutral pronouns. We all know the only exchange student that might need protection from anyone here is that mortal girl, Aliyah." Angela twisted her hair in a bun while she sat by the window. "The other student is the warlock, Solomon, and no one would be stupid enough to mess with the angels while Michael is keeping a close eye on them."

"Oh, a girl? We all know Mammon can't resist a pretty face. She's the reason you've been ignoring my texts this week?" Saphonya tilted her head with a confused look on her face. "Since when do you let Lucifer's orders trump us?"

"I'm not. I've just been busy. I've transferred all the money you requested over this morning, and I'm here now, aren't I'?" Mammon gave the two oldest girls a winning smile and ducked when a glass bottle of frog legs flew past his head. "Hey!" 

"Your charm only works but so well, demon." Saphonya got up and walked over to him, pressing her body against his lightly. "But some transactions can't be handled electronically." She moved her fingers down his chest, her eyes glowing softly. "I also texted you about coming to see me." The words caressed his ear, and her finger glowed a soft red. "A simple picture would've kept me from getting so upset."

Mammon looked down at the witch in front of him. She was attractive in her own right, a well sought after lover in the Devildom. Being the unholy spawn of a succubus and a sorcerer, she and her sisters had the ability to change their appearance at will, but their natural forms were good enough most of the time. Saphonya was the exact opposite of his human, a real petite creature with hair that fell down to her waist. Her breasts were small but perky, and her skin was fair. In the past, he'd waste no time pleasuring her and her sister Angela, but with recent events...he was hesitant. 

Angela leaned against Mammon's back, the feeling of a tail slowly worked its way up his back. "We've missed you Mammon. Surely you have time for us, right?"


"You have time for us." Saphonya clarified, no question in her voice. "We have a week's worth of pent of energy to let out." Her hand slipped down into the front of his jeans, humming happily as she found what she was looking for. Angela's long tongue slowly licked his ear, her arms reaching around to carefully undo his jacket. 

Mammon growled a bit as the women tried to work him over. As much as he wanted to push them away, this was business as usual. Any deviation might cause him problems, and the last thing he wanted to see was Alicia on the wrong end of their fury. He shifted to his demon form and picked up Saphonya with ease, placing her down on her desk. He reached back and pulled Angela close to him, kissing her deeply while both women worked feverishly to get his clothes off. With one hand, he managed to shred Saphonya's clothes, discarding the torn fabrics around them. Just business, as usual, he thought to himself. 

The makeout session was cut short when the youngest witch sister walked into her room, still wearing her pajamas. Mammon looked over Angela's shoulder at Agatha, growling lowly before biting down on Angela's neck. 

"Oh, Mammon's here!" Agatha ran back to her bedroom and grabbed a gift wrapped in cherry blossom fabric. She ran back to her sisters' office and placed it on the filing cabinet. "Give that to Belphie when you go home, don't break it." She wasn't as malicious and demanding as her older sisters, she had the same powers, but she really just used Mammon as a messenger boy between her and Belphagor. 

"Got it," Mammon growled, his eyes glowing their brilliant yellow behind his glasses. "Now leave, please."

"Unless you want to join us, Aggie," Angela called out, her clothes falling off her with ease while Mammon continued to attack her neck. Saphonya let out a soft moan and pulled his face towards hers, claiming it as her own and completely ignoring her little sister.

"I'm good. Just tell Belphie I said hello." Once the door closed, nothing could be heard on the other side of the door but moans of ecstasy and growls of lust. The three ignored every possible distraction that could've stopped them, and that included Mammon's D.D.D. 

Alicia: Mammon? Where are you? Are you still gonna help me? 

Book 1: The Wrong Girl in the DevildomWhere stories live. Discover now