Familial Lines

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The next morning, as promised, Lucifer was up trying to do damage control. While the others sat at the breakfast table, he was in the hall, on the phone with Diavolo.

"That's unfortunate to hear. I don't think I've ever been around someone with such intense emotions." Diavolo sat, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He looked at the outfit that Barbatos pressed for him and sighed. Another day of work... "She hasn't come out of her room yet. Barbatos informed me that he gave her lavender tea with distilled python venom, so she won't be attending her classes today."

"I'm sorry if she caused an imposition for you, Diavolo. I'm more than happy to collect her when she wakes up."

"Actually Lucifer, I'm going to let her stay here until she's ready to return to the house."

"Excuse me?"

"I don't want to force her to return to the house if she doesn't want to. You just said she needs a clear mind for her classes, Barbatos and I will take care of her...Clearly it might have been a little too much for you to handle...On top of your brothers of course."

Lucifer stood there in shock for a moment. He almost found himself studdering, but eventually, he figured out how to speak again. "With all due respect, you're coddling her Diavolo. She got into an argument with Mammon, she's not incapable of tending to her tasks, and I don't think-"

"My mind is made up. You of all people should understand how emotion affects work ethic." Barbatos started to put on his clothes but stopped when he had another thought. "Barbatos and I will tend to her needs today. If she decides she wants to return to the house, I'll be more than happy to send her."

Beelzebub glanced at the empty seat next to Levi and frowned. "Do you think she's okay?"

"She's fine," Mammon muttered as he ate his food. "She's just being dramatic."

"You would know all about being dramatic, huh? Mr. Let me make things a thousand times worse than it needed to be." Asmo said, stabbing into his food. He turned his attention to Beelzebub and gave him a small smile. "I'm sure she'll be back this evening."

Satan sipped his coffee and sighed. "I hope so, I wanted to go to the bookstore with her today."

The very idea caused Mammon to laugh. Talk about delusional. "What makes you think she'll want to go anywhere with you after you broke her nose?"

"I apologized and she accepted my apology."

"That doesn't mean she's going to go anywhere with you. Did you see how fast she ran out of here after you apologized?" Levi laughed and took out his phone, typing away. "Satan thinks women actually mean it when they say they accept our apologies, LOOOOL!"

Asmo turned his chair and looked over at Satan. "Yeah, I never asked you. Why did you attack her, anyway?"

"I don't exactly remember attacking her. I remember she was on top of me, hitting me in the face with her nose bleeding." Satan couldn't help but grin at the memory. Asmodeus snapped his fingers and shook his head.

"Think with your other head for a moment. I had to leave, can you remember anything?"

"I was at the bookstore one minute, in the field the next. There was this stupid bird that scratched me, I broke its neck, and blacked out." Satan chewed his food and shrugged. "Then I woke up, Alicia was trying to hurt me."

Beelzebub kept eating and glanced over at his twin. That sounded a lot like a curse he used to use to play pranks on the others before Lucifer banned it, but he didn't say anything.

Lucifer walked into the dining room and stopped when everything got quiet. He looked at his little brothers and shook his head. "Everything is fine. She's safe at Diavolo's palace, but she won't be attending classes today." He held his hand up before he could be bombarded with questions. "She's was very upset last night, so Barbatos gave her a sleep sedative."

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