Family Bound

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Story Notes:

I wanted this to be a really cool fight scene but I'm not very good at writing those. 

"What kind of problem, Solomon? I'm a little tied up at the moment." 

"I don't think it's anything your brothers can't handle, but please send someone to my location, now." Solomon watched as Alicia stalked to the swings, half intrigued and half worried about what was about to happen.

"What's wrong, brat? Your bougie ass sister isn't here to fight your battles anymore, huh?" The shorter girl pushed Kia and grabbed her bag. The bigger girl picked up Kia by her shirt while her friend walked off with Kia's bag. 

"Nah, her bougie ass sister is right here." Alicia jumped on the larger girl's back and told her little sister to hide while she fought the two girls. 

Solomon's eyes widened and he fought the urge to run in. "Lucifer please!" 

"Fine, fine. We're coming." The phone line went dead and Satan, Mammon, Beelzebub, and Lucifer arrived at the scene. The brothers watched their human fighting, and Lucifer held his arm out to keep Mammon and Beelzebub from running to her aide. "Stay back, we can't interfere head on without thinking."

"Thinking? It's two against one, that's not fair." Mammon dug his nails into the legs of his pants, trying not to knock Lucifer down. 

"She wanted to come back to the human world against my orders, we'll step in when needed." 

Satan ignored the conversation next to him and focused solely on the human girls fighting. He chuckled as he watched Alicia's savagery; how she clawed at sensitive areas and held her own against the two. His eyes glowed and he growled a bit, lightly gesturing his hand to lend Alicia his powers. 

The boys watched Alicia fight for 10 minutes before she stood over the two. She leaned down and spat out blood on the concrete. "Open season on my siblings is officially over. The next time I find out any of you are trying to hurt them, I'll be back here before they can even finish calling my name...and next time..." She forced both girls to look at her, her eyes glowing green thanks to Satan's influence. "I will murder you." 

Lucifer could see the change in her eyes and he quickly smacked Satan's head. "That's enough." He watched the two girls take off running and he sighed. "Satan, Beelzebub, please go wipe their memories of this night."

"They're just going to do it again, and she's going to want to leave again." Solomon pointed out. The older demon sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"But let it be known that they should not mess with any of Alicia's siblings." Lucifer walked over to Alicia, who was on her knees talking to her sister. 

"Are you okay Kia?"

"How are you here? I thought you were in Switzerland." Kia pouted and touched the marks on her sister's face. "They took my backpack."

"They didn't take it..." Alicia got up and walked over to the closest trash can. She reached down and pulled out the bag, dusting it off. "Always check the trash-" She stopped when she saw Lucifer. "Can."

"It seems as though you're incapable of following a simple order." Lucifer looked at the girl, seeing the cuts on her face and red marks that would lead to bruises. He scanned her body with his eyes glowing lightly. She sustained enough damage to keep her down, and she was, standing. 

"I couldn't just let them jump-"

"I told you arrangements would be made. We'll discuss this when we get home." Lucifer gently placed his hand on Kia's shoulder and Alicia quickly grabbed his wrist. 

"Just..Give me a second, okay? 60 seconds." 

"60 seconds only." Lucifer walked away, leaving the two to talk. He glared at Satan and crossed his arms. "Did you think you were being funny?"

"I thought I was being useful." Satan chuckled and gestured to the girl. "Come on Lucifer, that was an impressive feat of strength and resolve. She didn't even need my influence...I just couldn't help it."

"I noticed. We'll discuss your lack of discipline later." Lucifer glanced at Beelzebub and sighed in relief. 

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Beelzebub looked back at Alicia, who was still talking to her sister. 

"She'll be fine for now, but she will be punished tomorrow." Lucifer glanced at his watch, counting the seconds.

"How did you get here?" Kia looked at her big sister, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth. "You're supposed to be in another country. Your Facebook was deactivated."

"Kia please, I don't have time for that. Please be careful, and stop detouring on your way home. You have 4 older siblings who can walk with you and you still choose to detour." Alicia fixed the girl's hair and smiled. "I'll see you in a few months." Alicia stood up straight when Lucifer walked over to them again and wiped the child's memory of seeing her sister. He sent her on her way and watched as Alicia actively avoided looking at him, though it only lasted for a second. The next thing he knew, she was staring him straight in the eyes with the same fierceness she held back in the library.

"If you're going to lecture me, don't waste your breath. I regret nothing, my family will always come first." Alicia wiped off her mouth on her sleeve and Lucifer shook his head, handing her a handkerchief that he always carried around. 

"I won't lecture you tonight, but you will be punished tomorrow. You're a student at RAD now, Alicia. That means you're a representative of Diavolo, just like the rest of us." Lucifer rested his hand on his chest. "Mammon will bring you home, and you will come to my study tomorrow morning for your punishment."

"Doesn't getting my ass kicked count as enough punishment?" Alicia asked, blotting her mouth lightly with the fabric.

"You clearly beat them, so no. I will see you tomorrow." Lucifer walked off with Beelzebub and Satan. Mammon quickly ran up to her while Solomon hung back. 

"You're a bigger idiot than I thought you were, ya know that?" Mammon fought the urge to cup her face in his hands. "You're all scratched up. You're gonna be all bruised up." 

Alicia laughed a bit and shook her head. "I'll be fine. She's fine, and that's all that matters to me." She looked over Mammon's shoulder at Solomon. "But was calling Lucifer really necessary?"

"I saw a fight and didn't want you to get hurt." Solomon smiled a bit before he waved and vanished. 

"If you're going to be this hard-headed throughout the year, the least you could do is loop me in so I can try and do damage control before Lucifer finds out." Mammon smiled a bit at her. "Deal?"

"Deal." Alicia sighed and shoved her hands into her pockets. "Let's get back to the Devildom."

Later on that evening, Lucifer sat behind his desk. He was going over Alicia's records again, she was supposed to be an ordinary human, the exact opposite of Solomon, and yet she was becoming such a headache for him. He briefly thought about their encounter when they first met in the council room, how afraid she looked, and embarrassed soon after. His mind wandered to their meeting in the library, her brief moment of vulnerability did something to him, but he was impressed with how she attempted to stand her ground against him. Seeing her standing over those girls, it slightly reminded him of how he looked when he waged war against his father.  

This human was stirring up emotions in him he wasn't quite sure he understood, and the idea excited him. He closed her file and stared at her photo. "Alicia Briyanna Mallory..." He placed her file in his drawer and walked over to his closet of punishments. His hand gently passed over one of his weaker paddles. It would have to do for now. "Let's see what other buttons you push."

Book 1: The Wrong Girl in the DevildomWhere stories live. Discover now