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"I should be charging you rent by now," Saphonya muttered as she walked into the house and saw Belphie laying comfortably on Agatha's lap. She placed her bag on the table and stepped into the kitchen to wash her hands. "You're here all the time now."

"He's being useful to you. That should be payment enough." Agatha called out. She gently ran her fingers through his hair, smiling at how his tired face looked. If only they were older, they could've been in their own home. "Besides, you're just mad that Mammon won't answer your texts."

"He doesn't have to. I get off on knowing he's in pain." Saphonya smirked as she watched the green sludge run off her hands. She hated needing to run her own errands, but some things were best done by her hand. "Why is he here now?"

"His brother's pissed him off."

"Can he use his words, or is he asleep?" The elder witch walked out, drying her hands. She looked at the youngest of the Lords and laughed. "You look like someone's lost puppy."

"At least I know how to come home," Belphie muttered. He buried his face in Agatha's lap and growled when he was pulled off. "What the fuck?"

"I asked a question, demon. Why are you here?"

"She already told you."

"I want to hear it from you."

Belphegor got up and sat back on the couch. "My brothers are all upset that the human is staying with Diavolo, so they're throwing her a surprise party to see if she'll come back."

There was a twitch in Saphonya's eye, and she closed her eyes, trying to keep herself from getting too annoyed. What has gotten into them?! One human. One stupid human and they were off running after her like mutts. Why was the only one with their head on straight the weakest one? She could hear the boy laugh, and heard shifting on the couch. When she opened her eyes, he was back in his spot, his hair covering his face while her sister ran her fingers through it.

Normally, she wouldn't hold malice against her sisters. She wanted them both to thrive and be happy, but seeing her in love with one of them was setting something different off in her. Something she refused to give a name to. She felt something crawling under her skin, but she smiled.

"You know...Belphegor, since you're playing messenger, you'll also have to pick up a delivery for me."

Two weeks went by and Alicia still didn't come home. She was cordial to the guys in passing. She spent time with Beel in between classes and hung out with Levi in the library's gaming room. She remained in constant contact with Asmodeus and even gave Satan the time of day when he wanted to pick her brain about human literature, but it wasn't the same. They missed having her around the house, but every time someone brought it up, she'd change the topic...or found a reason to leave.

She spent her lunch breaks with Diavolo and Barbatos, much to Lucifer's disappointment. He couldn't stand the fact that she basically ignored the situation. She talked as if nothing was wrong, as if she wasn't out of place, as if she didn't completely humiliate him to Diavolo. He often did his best to keep his displeasure to himself, but more times than not, he found a reason to excuse himself from the group altogether.

Things were not so easy with Mammon. It seemed as though no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get her attention. He all but grabbed her in the hall a few times, but she'd always see the angels, or Solomon, and walk off like they were best friends. He hated it.

Despite how calm she was on the outside, she was dying on the inside. She did miss spending time with the guys, she missed sitting in Levi's bed and getting her ass kicked in her games, or being in Asmo's room while he did her hair. She missed cuddling with Beel...but all of those things were useless against the feeling of dread that settled in her stomach at the thought of being around Mammon. More urgently, she missed her journal. Keeping notes on her phone didn't feel the same as writing them down on paper, scribbling on the pages around it.

Book 1: The Wrong Girl in the DevildomWhere stories live. Discover now