Little Details

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Author's Note: 

I'm sorry this took so long you guys, I wasn't sure how I wanted this chapter to do and wrote/rewrote it a few times over the weekend.

"Alicia....What? Why do you want to know about her?"

"Please don't make me ask again. I just want to know." Alicia went back over to her bed and sat down. The nightmare replayed in her head, and she shook her head. "Just...Please?"

Asmodeus crossed his legs and sighed. "Mammon doesn't The only girl he was a lovesick idiot for was this witch named Charolette.  They dated....about 1500 years ago. He met her at a party and they hit it off right away. Drove Lucifer crazy."

"Seems like Mammon has a thing for witches." Alicia rested her head in her hand while Mammon continued. 

"He does, anyway...This was the first time we've ever seen him be so selfless. He spent every red cent he had on her and she doted in him as if her life depended on it. Such a sweet girl." He smiled a bit as he recalled the romance. "They went everywhere together. The fanciest restaurants, they were the It Couple in the Devildom for a little while."

"So what happened?"   

"Well, we all know Mammon isn't the sharpest tool in the shed."

"He's not an idiot-"

"People started talking about how beneath her he was because he's who he is, and how beneath him she was because she's wasn't a very impressive witch. She did her best to ignore the whispers... she was a free spirit, what did it matter if everyone had something to say about her relationship?" His face fell a little somber when he thought about what happened. 

"But eventually he started coming on stronger. He couldn't wait to talk about their future, he wanted her to be his lady...officially. I advised him against it but he was so sure that she was going to say yes." He moved his hand to his chest and sighed. "And as I expected, she said no...Mammon was crushed." 

Alicia frowned a little looked down at her lap. After a moment, she looked back at Asmo. "What happened to Mammon?"

"He was depressed for a little while. I have no clue what he was doing with his money, but all I knew was that he was driving himself further and further into debt."  Asmo crossed his arms and shook his head. "She left a little while later, and we haven't seen her since. Mammon eventually came out of his depression...but it wasn't easy for him." Asmo glanced up at Alicia and raised an eyebrow. "Why do you care about all of this anyway?"

Alicia shifted a bit uncomfortably. "The girl I spoke to last night told me Mammon was possessive and controlling and tried to turn her into a doll basically. So she left and no one knows where she is." Her face turned red and she avoided looking at the man in the room. "I...It kinda manifested into a nightmare and I had a dream he locked me in a giant dream house."

Asmo covered his mouth to stifle a laugh. "Ally...If anyone is going to be possessive and controlling, it would be Lucifer. Mammon gets jealous, but he would never overstep that by trying to take away your personal freedom." He sat back in the computer chair and smiled. "Now tell me about this dream."

Agatha laid in bed with Belphie, humming as she dragged her fingers across his chest. She gently reached up and touched his horns. "You're so cute when you're cuddly in your demon form."

"Don't go saying that too loud," Belphagor muttered, burying his face in her neck. He and Agatha had enough in common to find themselves spending a lot of time together; they were both the youngest of their families, loved sleeping in random places, and had an appreciation for astrology, but more importantly, they had a disdain for humans. Belphie watched Agatha torture a human that wandered down to the Devildom back when the entrance was less restrictive, and he was hook ever since. 

"What are you gonna do? Kill me?" She kissed the top of his head and reached over to grab her phone. "That new pet at your house is causing Saphonya to lose her mind. I've never seen her so focused on a person."

"Well, if Saphonya has her way, she'd be doing me a huge favor as well. Beel likes the human, and so do my other brothers. I can't believe they can exist with it. It's like they've completely forgotten what happened." His tail swayed and he rested it on her stomach. 

"Why don't you just kill her yourself if she's causing you so much distress? You'd have the best chance since she's under your roof." 

"Lucifer already locked me in the attic for voicing my disagreement with Diavolo. Next time he won't let me out, and I was starting to go a little crazy." Belphie smiled and kissed her cheek. "Besides, if your sister does it, then I won't have Beel on my ass."

"Looking out for only yourself, all you royal boys are the same." Agatha got up and stretched before picking up her wand. "Did you like the gift I sent you?"

"Why do you take polaroids and wrap them in gift wrap? It would be much easier to send your nudes over a text."

"It's about the presentation, besides...If my pictures ever got out, I know exactly who to blame." Her eyes briefly glowed the same color purple as his. "And I can exact revenge properly."

Belphie chuckled and shook his head. "You think I have enough spitefulness in me leak your photos? I'm hurt."  

"Agatha, you're supposed to be working. Not laying up with your boyfriend." Saphonya glared at the Avatar of Sloth and smirked. "You can leave now."

"Oh come on. I don't run Mammon out of here when he comes over." Agatha put her wand down and crossed her arms. "You aren't being fair."

"Life's not fair, and you hold no power here." Saphonya waved her hand and rolled her eyes. "Shoo."

Agatha was about to complain again, and contemplated throwing a fireball at her sister, but stopped when an idea hit her. "He could be useful to us. He's in the same living quarters as the human."


"And...He can get us some of her hair for your research." Agatha pouted a bit and looked at her sister pleadingly. "Please?"

Saphonya watched the two and sighed. The girl had a point, it would be a lot easier to do her research when she had someone on the inside. "Fine. He can stay...but the next time he comes over, he better not be empty-handed." 

"Trust me, I won't." Belphie reached up and grabbed Agatha's wrist with a smirk. "Now can we have the room please?"

"Don't overstep cow boy." Saphonya rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. Belphie looked up at Agatha and smiled gently. 

"Round two? Or planning?"

Book 1: The Wrong Girl in the DevildomWhere stories live. Discover now