New Frenemies!

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"I didn't need you to come with me, I could've handled this myself," Mammon muttered as he exited the Devildom, Asmo quick on his heels. Everyone had a role to play in Alicia's birthday gift, so he didn't understand why he needed a sitter.

"First of all, this was my idea. Secondly, we can't afford to have you screw this up. We all want Alicia home, and this might be the cherry on the cake." Asmo looked around and smiled. "I wish we could come up here more often."

"We're not here for you to sunbathe, let's just do this so we can go home." Mammon took out the bracelet he swiped from Alicia's bag. That would be another thing he got chewed out about, but he decided to worry about that later. "You're sure this belongs to him?"

"Positive. She went on and on about it, but I promised I'd bring it to her the next time I saw her, so don't mess it up." Asmo pulled out his phone and quickly searched up a tracking spell.

Feeling impatient, Mammon let out a small huff. Of course, he wouldn't know one off the back of his hand. "We should've asked Solomon to do the spell."

"Shut up, I know how to do spells." Asmo took the bracelet and read off the incantation. The gold material slowly turned red, the color changed to blue when Asmo shifted it west. "Okay, so he must be this way."

"Great, let's-" Mammon watched the bracelet turn red again and he scowled. "I told you, you don't know how to make spells work."

"You're being so rude, you've seen me use magic before. He must've moved."

"Humans don't move that fast." The bracelet quickly became too hot to hold, and Asmo dropped it before it started melting in his hand. Mammon covered his face and shook his head. "I shouldn't have trusted you."

"It's not on me, he must have a cloak on him or something. That spell has never steered me wrong before."

The older demon rested his back against the wall. There goes their quickest way to locate this mortal. "Well, now what are we going to do?"

Asmo glanced over at Alicia's house, he could see people in there. "If he lives here, then maybe we can just wait for him?"

"Licia said they all moved out the second they could."

"Yeah, but if Licia isn't here, then one of them must've come back to help. By the sounds of it, he's the most likely to have come back." Asmo looked around and smiled. "Look, there's a park. We can wait there."

"Ugh, I don't want to wait here."

Asmo scowled and placed his hands on his hips. He was being awfully whiny for a person who caused all of this. "We wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if it weren't for you, we're doing this for Alicia. You want her to come home, right?"

"Of course I do."

"Then let's go wait in the park for him to show up." Asmo grabbed Mammon by the wrist and tugged him over to the park. They took a seat on the swings, making sure to keep themselves invisible to the human eye. Asmo smiled fondly at the children playing with their parents, watching siblings bond with each other.

"Kids are so cute..." He briefly thought about his time back in the Celestial Realm, running around and playing with the others, how much Lilith liked to run behind him to play dress-up...His thoughts wandered to the possibility of children running around the house of Lamentation. He looked over at Mammon. "If this works and she does come back home, what's your plan?"

Mammon pushed himself on the swing lightly, keeping his eyes trained on the padding beneath their feet. "I'm going to tell her how I feel about her. I just hope I didn't ruin everything."

"You were incredibly harsh...but I have faith. This thing with Barbatos... I'm sure it won't stand." He got quiet, the idea of Alicia being with Barbatos actually made sense. The way she liked to care for others, she'd probably be in her Heaven. "...I hope so too, but I mean after the program is over. You know she's gonna be sent back here."

"I'll cross that bridge when I get there because if she comes back, I'm not letting her leave again." Asmo could feel the determination radiating off of him, and he smiled with pride.

"Well, the good thing is that we all want Alicia to come home, so maybe we can convince Diavolo into letting her stay." The two brothers talked about their plans, and how they hoped this surprise would go well into the night time. Mammon sighed and got up.

"I don't think he lives here, and I don't think he's coming."

"At least we tried...But now I'm going to have to explain why I don't have his bracelet." Before the pair could walk off, they'd feel the sensation of steel cables wrapped around their bodies. "Eh?!"

"What the-" Mammon tried to break free, but when he looked down, he didn't see anything. He thrashed harder against the force but only felt it start to cut into his clothes.

"Now, what are two demons doing in my territory?" A man walked up to the two in casual wear, a pair of dark blue jeans and a gray tee shirt. His cool brown skin was drenched in sweat that reflected the Earth's Moonlight. His loc'd hair draped over a pair of familiar green eyes. Asmo stared at him, feeling his breath catch in his throat. Mammon continued to try and break the hold. He took in the sorcerer standing in front of them and sniffed a bit. This has to be the guy. "Oi! You Marcus Mallory?"

"Who's asking?" Marcus held his hand up with a bored expression on his face. These were no lower-level demons, he could feel that...and yet, they didn't break his hold. How pathetic.

"We've been waiting all day for ya!"

"Oh, word?" Marcus looked between the two and tightened the restraints on their bodies. Asmodeus let out a small cry, while Mammon swore in demon tongue. "What could a pair of demons want from me? Hmm? I don't owe y'all shit and I've made that clear."

That phrase was all too familiar to Mammon. He said it a few times over the course of his life, but unlike him, this guy wasn't lying. "We...We're not here for that."

"Then why are you here?" Marcus demanded. "Demons come to Earth when they have business to attend to, but you damn sure don't have any business with me."

"This is about your sister, Ali-"

Before Mammon could finish his sentence, Marcus' eyes flashed with static. He turned his attention solely to the taller demon, Mammon felt his skin burning and let out a loud cry. Asmo quickly cleared his throat to try and intervene.

"Wait! She's fine! She's just not happy, please...She's been crying and we can't make her stop."

Marcus threw his hand back and lifted the smaller demon with ease. "Let her go then, send her home!"

"It's not because she wants to come home, she just misses you." Marcus looked between the two, he learned at an early age to never trust them. Demons were natural-born liars...but if they had Alicia, then he needed them to take him to her. He relaxed his powers, just enough for the fire on Mammon's skin to stop.

He sighed, and tried to keep his feelings of anger to a minimum. "She's been attending The Royal Academy of Diavolo for the last few months. I kinda made her mad, I wanna make her happy."

"What did you do?"

"That's not important. Her birthday's tomorrow, right? Can you please just come with us? It'll make her happy."

The sorcerer sighed and suddenly the two were able to move freely. Asmo walked up to the man and smiled. "You have my word that she's okay. She's going to be so excited to see you." He flashed a beautiful smile, hoping his powers would help put the man at ease.

His attempts only made Marcus annoyed. He would deal with these two later...but if Alicia really was in the Devildom... "She better be okay, because if this is a trick-"

"It's not, trust me. Let's get a move on before we get home later than we already are." Asmodeus smiled and offered his hand to Marcus. Reluctantly, he took Asmo's hand in his, and the three flashed back to the Devildom. 

Book 1: The Wrong Girl in the DevildomWhere stories live. Discover now