Errand Day

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"I found you Belphie." Alicia leaned over the couch and smiled at the sleeping angel, pursing her lips when he didn't move. "Belphie?"

Belphegor smiled in his sleep and reached up, pulling her down with him. "Mmm...So you did. Who's next?"

"Beelz." Alicia squirmed in Belphie's hold and gently pushed herself up. "Wanna come?"

"Sure." Belphie got up and carried her under his arm. "Where do you think he is?"

"He might be in the training room."

Belphie nodded and carried her to the training room. He stepped quietly into the empty room, eyes searching around until they were ambushed from above, Beelzebub scooped them up in his arms and kept them elevated by his wings.

"Took you two long enough." He hugged them both tightly and grinned. "Always look for attacks from above." Alicia glanced up at the sun, the light grew brighter and brighter until she could only see white.

Alicia stirred in bed and reached out for her phone, swiping hopelessly in the air. She peeked from under her eyelids, and it slowly registered that she was in a different room. "Mmm...?" She rolled over and stared at the ceiling, a smile slowly graced her face. Mammon's room, their incredible night. She rolled over in excitement, only to see a blank wall staring at her. "Oh." She sat up and rubbed her head. He must've gotten up early. She hummed as she grabbed one of his tee shirts and threw it on. She picked up the tattered pieces of fabric that were her pajamas and tried to quietly go to her room.

She made it to her door before she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She jumped and balled up her fist, stopping when she saw Asmo with his hands up. "Asmo? Don't fucking scare me like that."

"You wouldn't be so easily scared if you weren't sneaking around."

"Shut up and get in here." Alicia grabbed him by the shirt and yanked him into her room.

"So how was your night?" Asmo grinned and hummed while she threw her pajamas in her trash can. "Those poor pajamas. Must've been interesting."

She took a deep breath and covered her face. "So annoying...I feel like there's no point in lying to you."

"There isn't. I can smell you, Mammon left a love bite." He reached out and gently touched the hickey mark on Alicia's neck. "I wish you would've told me. We could've made the evening much more memorable."

"I think it was memorable enough, but maybe next time?" Stepping into the bathroom, Alicia stepped in the shower.

"Tell me how it was! I don't get to hear fresh first time stories." He grinned and leaned against the bathroom door. "Did you blow him?"

The sound of an empty shampoo bottle hitting the door caused Asmo to jump. "Don't be stingy."

"We had fun...He was a lot more...dominating...than I thought."


"Yes and that's all I'm going to say on the matter." The water turned off and Alicia stepped out in a clean pair of shorts and a pink tee-shirt. "Any idea of where Mammon went?"

"He left out of here pretty early. I think he was mumbling something about a game?"

"A what?" Alicia tilted her head in confusion and sighed. "Nevermind, I'll ask him later. Do you have plans for today?"

"Not really. I was just going to try out some new bath bombs. You should join me! They'll work wonders for you." 

"I'll take you up on that offer later. For now, I really need to run to the human world. I need to grab something."

Book 1: The Wrong Girl in the DevildomWhere stories live. Discover now