Gut Feeling

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Back in the common room, Alicia sat on the couch between Leviathan and Asmodeus, her head resting lazily in Levi's lap while her feet rested on Asmo's lap. The otaku tried to distract himself by scrolling through the movie selection. He'd seen most of the animated movies and rock band documentaries on Demonflix, and since no one else seemed interested in either of those genres, he was just searching until he heard a unanimous agreement. 

Satan sat next to the couch, seemingly lost in the words of the novel he had in his hands. Alicia heard loud chewing and she sat up a bit with a smile. "Beel, if you eat all the snacks now, there won't be anything to eat when the movie starts, and then you'll be hungry."

"But I'm hungry now." Beelzebub swallowed the last of the popcorn in his mouth and pouted at the girl, feeling his stomach rumble. Alicia gently reached out and grabbed the popcorn bucket, leaving him with another handful. 

"If we can hold off on devouring all the snacks now, I'll have a big surprise for you in the morning." Her trip to the store with Asmodeus ended up being a lot more fulfilling than she hoped, and she was hopeful that the demon brothers would appreciate her grand gesture. "Deal?"


"I can't imagine what type of surprise you'd have for him. Let me's food, right?" Belphie called out, laying in an armchair in the back of the common room. Alicia rolled her eyes and sat up fully, glaring at the youngest brother. 

"You know what Belpha-"

"That's enough." Lucifer walked into the room and looked at his siblings. "This is supposed to be a calm evening. No fighting."

"But Lucifer-"

"But nothing. Drop it, both of you. I'm not against punishing humans, and I already owe you a punishment Belphie." His crimson eyes dashed between his younger brother and the guest in the room. "Now, everyone is here except Mammon."

"I texted him like you told me to, he hasn't come downstairs yet." The lights went off and Alicia raised an eyebrow. "We're not waiting for him?"

"No. I called everyone down here, you sent him a warning text, and he still isn't here. Clearly he doesn't want to watch a movie." Lucifer took a seat in the recliner and smiled. "Levi, pick a movie already."

"We haven't picked one yet." Levi held out the remote to his eldest brother when prompted, and Lucifer grinned. 

"Well then, it looks like we'll be watching the documentary of the Devildom." While Lucifer laughed, there was a collective groan in the room. 

"Not again, Lucifer.  We've seen it a thousand times, almost literally." 

"You know the rules Satan, if a movie isn't picked by the time I sit down, then we watch what I want to watch." Lucifer took in the disinterest around the room and his eyes dashed to Alicia's,  a smirk resting on his face. "And don't even think about trying to leave, Alicia. This will be the first time you'll see this documentary, and it's important to know the history of the place you're residing in, no matter how temporary."

"You're always assuming I was going to run away. I like documentaries," Alicia crossed her legs and rested her head on Levi's shoulder as the movie started. 

Just as the film began, Mammon ran into the room. "Hey! Why did you start the movie without me?" He searched the room, looking for somewhere to sit and fought a groan when he noticed Alicia was sandwiched between Levi and Amso. He took a seat on the floor between Asmo's and Alicia's feet.  

"Nice of you to finally join us, Mammon," Lucifer watched his brother take his seat and pushed play. 

By the end of the movie, Levi, Satan, Belphie, and Asmodeus left the common room, leaving Mammon, Beelzebub, Lucifer, and a sleeping Alicia in the space. Beelzebub cleaned up the mess he made with his snack and took out the garbage. Lucifer turned off the television and glanced over at Mammon. "So, how was your trip to the human world with Alicia? I've been meaning to ask, but I've been otherwise preoccupied this past week."

"It was fine...She's a little mouthy but other than that she didn't give me too many problems. Why? What's up?"

"I got a ping from her computer,  she's been given access to the human world's social media sites. It would appear that Leviathan ignored a direct order from me to make sure she didn't have access to her world, I just wanted to make sure you and I were on the same page." Lucifer stared down at Mammon, who was still sitting comfortably by her feet. Mammon slowly rose to his feet and met Lucifer's gaze. 

"I'm not going to let her run off to the mortal realm. I like not hanging from the ceiling." He looked down at Alicia when she turned on her side, burying her face in her hair. 

"Mammon, please tell me that we're not going to have a problem here. She's a guest, she has 11 more months here, and then she goes back home to her world. Do not find yourself getting involved."

"Why would I get involved? What do I look like getting involved with a human?" Mammon scoffed and laughed a bit. "I'm not getting involved, I'm simply doing what you said. I'm trying to make her feel more welcomed so she doesn't keep asking to leave." 

"Good. I guess even the stupid can get some things right." Lucifer crossed his arms, weighing his options on how to get the girl back to her room. "Alicia, wake up." 

"Hmm?" Alicia yawned and looked up at the two men standing over her. She jumped up and quickly moved back in shock. 

"There's no need to panic. The documentary is over, I just wanted to make sure you got back to your room okay." Lucifer chuckled, giving the girl a half-lidded stare that caused her stomach to turn. 

"Okay, fine." Alicia yawned, sleep returning to claim her. She walked off, though in the wrong direction. Lucifer covered his face for a second and looked at Mammon. 

"Please go make sure she gets back to her room before she trips somewhere and breaks her neck. Diavolo would never forgive us." 

"Will do, good night Luce." Mammon watched Lucifer walk off before he went back to get Alicia. He gently placed his hands on her shoulders. "Hey...You're going the wrong way?"

"Again?" Alicia whined and rested against Mammon's chest. "Sorry, that documentary was beyond boring."

"Most of Lucifer's favorite things are boring. He's an old man." Mammon laughed quietly and walked Alicia back to her bedroom. He stopped at the door and stepped back. "This is your stop."

"Do you have plans tomorrow morning?" Alicia asked, covering her mouth to keep from yawning in his face. "Like...6 AM?"

"What do you have planned?"

"Asmodeus took me to the grocery store today and I was able to grab a lot of familiar ingredients.  Sundays I usually make a big breakfast family." She yawned again and rested her head against her door. "Routine helps keep me calm. I'd really like some help in the kitchen so everything is ready by the time everyone wakes up."

"Why do I have to help you? You could've asked Beel for help."

"I'd like to have breakfast on the table by the time I run out of ingredients, not in his stomach." Alicia flashed a tired smile and she looked up at him through half-lidded eyes, staring at him through her eyelashes. "Please Mammon?"

The air in the house seemed to get a little thicker when she looked at him like that. Mammon felt his chest tighten, and he scoffed. "It's gonna cost ya, you know?"

"I'm willing to pay the price. I'll see you in the morning." Placing her hand on the door, Alicia backed into the room. "Goodnight, Mammon." 

"Night Licia." Mammon watched the door close in his face and he gently hit his head against the door. He felt his stomach turn, he couldn't get involved but he had to make her comfortable. He shook his head and turned to go back to his room, ready to drop for the evening. He felt his phone buzz and he rolled his eyes. He glanced down at the screen and scowled. 

Weekly reminder that you have an appointment at 5 AM tomorrow with Agatha, Angela, and Saphonya.

Book 1: The Wrong Girl in the DevildomWhere stories live. Discover now