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The next morning, Mammon got an early start to the day. With the little information he had on humans, a combination of drugs and alcohol meant that Alicia wouldn't be waking up early enough to make breakfast for everyone. He pulled on his pants and looked down at the sleeping girl with a muffled laugh. He took out his phone and snapped a quick picture of her face before heading to the kitchen.

"Where's Alicia?" Lucifer walked into the kitchen and stopped when he saw Mammon at the stove. "She's supposed to be on kitchen duty."

"She had a long night at the club with Asmo so she's sleeping it off. Probably won't be up til noon." 

"Again, she's supposed to be on kitchen duty. Lord Diavolo wanted to come over for breakfast this morning and I told him I'd check before telling him to come." 

"He can still come and eat my food." Mammon smiled brightly, while Lucifer scowled. "Okay, so you want a sick, half-asleep human on the stove? That sounds like a great way to get vomit in your food, or to burn down the house."

"Valid points..." Lucifer walked up to Mammon and stood over his shoulder. "Did anything interesting happen at the club yesterday?"

"Uh....nothing that I can think of. Asmo and Alicia went to the party, I showed up a little while later, she got wasted and I brought her home." 

"Uh-huh. Well, that's fine. I'm glad you all had fun." Lucifer started to walk away but stopped when he reached the door. "By the way, you should check your mail. We received a bill for the man's wrist you broke yesterday evening. I expect you to pay it by the end of the week." Lucifer left the room and Asmo quickly walked in after noticing he was gone. 

"Did you tell Lucifer what happened yesterday? I don't feel like dealing with a lecture from him right now, but also...what the fuck happened?" Asmo grabbed a bottle of juice from the fridge and leaned on the counter. "One moment I'm planning an impromptu orgy, and the next minute I see you carrying Alicia out like some He-Man."

"Saphonya got Alicia to take some of her sweethearts, and then she blew up at me." Mammon let out a low growl when he thought about how the night went. "Acting as if we're dating. She drains me of all my fucking Grimm and I bang her and her sister."

"Sounds like a relationship to me." Reaching out to cup his face, Asmo looked into Mammon's eyes. "Your eyes still look a little red."

"The bitch crushed a sweetheart and blew it in my face. I panicked, I didn't want Alicia there by herself with those demons, but I had to get her home before I went full demon."

"You didn't...Right? She's still in one piece upstairs?" 

"Fuck off." 

"I'm serious. I hope you showed her the best version of you." Asmo smirked a bit and jumped back when Mammon tried to swat him with the spatula. "Hey! You know I burn easily."

Mammon sighed and shook his head. He wanted to tell Asmo what happened when they got back to the house, but he knew his brothers might never let him hear the end of it, or worse, they might try to go after her just to get under his skin. 

Asmo took a plate of eggs and sausage and smiled. "I'm going to go run this up to her room." He left the kitchen and lightly knocked on the door. "Ally?"

He moved closer to her bed and shook her lightly, placing her food on her nightstand. "Breakfast is here. Wake up." 

"Shhh." Alicia sat up a bit and smiled at the food next to her. "I'm starving, I feel like shit."

"You look like shit. Mammon said you took some of the Umbra sweethearts. You're not going to be feeling like yourself for a few hours."  Amso watched the girl eat and he grinned. "I didn't need to watch you long. Last I saw you, you were dancing with a bunch of demons next to the stage."

"I'll blame that on the sweetheart. What else happened?" 

"I wasn't paying attention. I was planning an orgy. You sat and talked to some demoness for a little while, and then you got up to dance. Mammon showed up, and then you were carried out of the club all caveman style."  He grinned wickedly and hummed. "Anything interesting happened?"

"I can barely remember...Mammon brought me home. I had a long conversation with that girl...She said you guys weren't nice people." 

"I mean...." 

"That's a story you'll have to tell me during our private time." Alicia tried to remember what else happened that night and she felt a knot in her stomach. The girl told her about Mammon, and she could briefly remember the sound of his voice. It was as if Mammon left his body and what she always thought the Devil would sound like took his place; a mixture of thunder and the growl of a lion. Thinking about it now caused chills to run down her body. She scrunched her face up a bit thinking about the demon who got their wrist snapped. "Mammon was angry."

"I told you, he's jealous. He was demanding that we bring you home but you were having so much fun." 

"" Alicia grabbed a couple of painkillers that were left on her dresser and sipped her water. She briefly remembered dancing with a few guys, feeling their tails around her body, tongues on her neck. She remembered hands roaming her breasts and ass, and she remembered seeing Mammon push through the crowd to get to her. She stared into the cup, seeing the makeup on her face. She didn't even wash up after the party? "Give me a sec." She got up to wash her face and brush her teeth. She definitely looked like she had a rough night. She grabbed her brush and gently pulled her hair into a ponytail.  "Hey, Asmo... Where's Mammon now? I briefly woke up and saw him in bed with me."

"He went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I'm sure Lucifer would've rained Hellfire on you if he didn't." Asmo smiled softly, pursing his lips when she stepped out of the bathroom. "What's the matter, Alicia? Stomachache?"

"The girl I was talking to...She told me a little more than just what she thought of you all."

"You can't take rumors seriously sweetie. Honestly, people here have nothing else better to do than to gossip...And you're new here so it's easy to fill your head up with-"

"Asmo." Alicia continued to stare down into her glass. "Tell me about Mammon's last girlfriend..."

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