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Alicia walked around the house for almost half an hour looking for Mammon. It was almost 6 AM, and she couldn't find him anywhere. "Where the Hell could he have gone? Nothing should be open so early." She sighed and checked her phone, disappointment that her message wasn't even read yet. 

Taking a deep breath, she ran her hand through her hair. If she didn't get started now, she wasn't going to have breakfast ready by the time everyone woke up. She glanced at her phone one more time and sucked her teeth. "Fine." 

After almost an hour and a half, Alicia finished making breakfast, organized the table, and cleaned up the kitchen. She sat down in the middle of the kitchen, trying to catch her breath. She was used to making big meals for her family, but she made a lot of extra just to avoid having Beelzebub eating everything, and despite her annoyance at him, she put a plate away for Mammon. She could hear multiple footsteps and she sighed, rushing to the table to greet the boys. 

"Alicia, what is all of this?" Lucifer looked at the large spread and raised an eyebrow. "What time did you wake up to complete this?"

"5:20 this morning. This is just my way of showing my appreciation for you guys. All of the foods here are Sunday morning stables in my house: Salmon croquettes, grits and cheese, sausage, eggs, biscuits, and virgin screwdrivers." Alicia grabbed a paper towel and tried to wipe the flour off her chest. 

"Was this the surprise you were telling me about yesterday?" Beelzebub stared at the table, his stomach growling and drool spilling out of the side of his lips. Alicia laughed a little and nodded, not getting a second to verbally confirm before he sat down and started stuffing his face. 

"I recommend all of you grab something before he eats everything." Alicia stepped back as the other siblings mobbed the table, leaving only her and Lucifer standing. The elder demon walked around the table and looked down at his mortal guest. 

"Since manners seem lost on my siblings, I'll thank you for everyone. This was a pleasant surprise, and your hard work is appreciated." He stared down into Alicia's eyes for a moment before he gestured for her to have a seat. 

"Oh...I'm fine. I make a habit of eating while cooking, I'm fine." The bright smile on her face tried to mask a few questions that were rolling over in her head. Lucifer studied her face for a moment and stepped out of the dining room with her. 

"You clearly have a question. Please ask it." 

"Does Mammon leave incredibly early in the morning often? He was supposed to help me with breakfast and I couldn't find him this morning." 

Alicia would hear a small click of Lucifer's tongue, and see him place his hand on his chest. "Alicia, there's something I want you to be aware of. Mammon, in all his idiocracy, is also very unreliable. He's not revered as scum by us for no reason. It would be in your best interest to not get your hopes up with him. I picked him to look after you in the event of needing to get you away from danger, that's it." 

The disappointed look on Alicia's face caused a small ache in Lucifer's stomach. He reached down and took her chin in his hand, making her look up at him. "Don't be hard on yourself. He may be scum, but he's charming scum. You're a simple human, there wasn't much you can do to resist his charm. Hopefully, your time at R.A.D will make you stronger and you'll be able to resist demonic charms by the end of your stay."

"Thanks." Alicia stepped back and slipped her hands into her housecoat pockets. "Um...the number you gave me for the therapist. It was actually Barbatos'."

"I'm aware. He's been alive for a very long time, Alicia. He's studied many different fields before he ended up at Diavolo's butler. Not only do I think he's the best person to talk to about your problems, but his powers are very useful as well."

"I'm not interested in having my mind messed with during a shrink session, Lucifer."

"He's not going to mess with your mind, but you will find out his powers on your own when you see him," Lucifer smirked and once again gestured towards the dining room. "At least join us while we eat. You deserve to see your work thoroughly enjoyed."

With a small nod, Alicia agreed and walked back to the dining room with him. She sent a quick message to Barbatos, asking him when he was free to talk with her before shutting off her phone to avoid driving herself insane checking for Mammon. While she talked and joked with the brothers, she felt a pair of eyes burning into the side of her head. She glanced over and saw Belphie absently chewing on a strawberry. Feeling the animosity towards her, she scowled. 

One way or another, I'm going to find out what your fucking problem is.

Book 1: The Wrong Girl in the DevildomWhere stories live. Discover now