Chapter 1

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Oklahoma shouted as he chased the cowboy state.
"I SAID I WAS SORRY!" Texas yelled back, trying to keep his distance from him.
"SORRY AIN'T GOOD ENOUGH!" Oklahoma shouted.
Texas never feared much but the thing he does fear is Oklahoma with his pan. God was Oklahoma scary with the thing.
Even though Oklahoma is smaller than Texas, he was sure fast.
It didn't take long for the other states to try to stop the two. It was a huge fiasco.
Texas jumps up on Alaska(the biggest state) and cringe on for dear life, while Alabama and Mississippi hold Oklahoma back.
"Let go of me, you god damn twins!" Oklahoma yelled, trying to break free from the two.
Alabama and Mississippi act like most of the twins in the family like South Dakota and North Dakota etc.
"Would you two stop for one second." Said the annoyed figure
"The last time I checked, you are not my dad." Oklahoma responded
"Well I'm technically apart of your dad, so I'm a father figure to you." Confederate explained
"Doesn't matter if you apart of dad or not, you're not the boss of us." Texas growled
"I'M your father the last time I checked."
All the states jumped and turn to see their father, the United States of America, standing behind them.
Texas gulped "H-Hay dad..."
America stood there with his arms crossed and stared that the situation in front of him.
"Oklahoma, what did Texas do?" America ask the pan wielding state.
"Well I was minding my own business when he decided to blast country music in my room! Nearly giving me a heart attack!" Oklahoma explained
"I said sorry!" Texas yelled, squeezing Alaska's head, who didn't really mind.
"Alright, Oklahoma put your pan away and Texas get off of Alaska and properly apologize to Oklahoma." America said in very calm meaner.
"Fine" Both states said, Oklahoma clearly annoyed and Texas slowly getting down from Alaska.
Texas reach his hand out "I'm sorry for blasting music in your room."
Oklahoma took Texas's hand and shook it " apology accepted."
America sighed and looked at his states "now go play"
All of them cheered as they ran to find something to do.
"Should we get back to work on those papers?" DC spoke in.
America turn to face his Capital and nodded. The two turned and walk away
"Why does seem like you're always working?" Confederate butted in
"Do you know what it's like being on top?" America asked him
Confederate shook his head.
"Then end of discussion." America said facing forward.
"You know you can't keep push yourself like this forever, you know." Confederate spoke
"And do you care why?" America said, looking clearly annoyed.
Confederate sighed "listen to me when I say this Union."
America looked at him
"Everyone has limits. You keep pushing yourself like this, something bad might happen and I have to reveal myself just to save your butt." Confederate spoke
"And why would you do that? You hate me." America said, give Confederate that confused look.
"Even I do hate you, you kept me around for this long." The CSA spoke
America rolled his eyes.
"You can kill me at anytime and yet you choose not to." Confederate continued
America looked down, puzzled on that thought. He was right, he COULD kill him at anytime.
"So answer my question, Union. Why don't you just kill me? Then you won't have to deal with me." The CSA stopped and waited for his half to talk.
DC looked up at America, seeing his puzzled face.
America sighed as he looked up to face his half and tried to say something but no words came out.
"I...I can't answer that right now." He finally spoke.
"Why?" Confederate spoke, stepping closer to his half.
"I don't know! Alright!" America snapped
"What do you mean you don't know!? You're supposed to know everything!" Conference yelled back.
DC tagged on America's pants "let's get those papers done."
America sighed "I gotta get these papers done, Confederate. So please leave me alone."
DC and America walked away leaving Confederate alone standing in the middle of the hallway.
"Those Bastards always expecting so much of you." Confederate said, his blood starts boiling.
"Just wait until I show them who the REAL boss is."
Confederate turned and makes his way to his room.

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