Chapter 15

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America quickly turns back into his normal form and landed in front of the World Center. He was still nervous about this but there was no turning back now. He can do this. He WILL do this. Not just for himself but everyone around him.

He walked inside start to take the usual route that he usually takes to get the meeting room. But instead of going to the meeting room, he turned in a different direction and walked a different hallway. This was the way to the private meeting room.

Every step he took, made his heart pound even faster. He still couldn't believe this was happening. He was finally going to tell someone about his pain. But everything was telling him to turn away and call the meeting off. He wasn't going to listen to it. Not this time.

America reached the door that leads to the private meeting room. He was shaking still but he knew he could do this. The door was soundproof so you couldn't hear what was happening inside. And this meeting room was when someone didn't want to say something to everyone or when an emergency happens.

He took a deep breath and opened the door. He walked in to see that UN and the other factions were already there, sitting. The room was dark and only lights on the big metal table in the center of the room. It looks like an interrogation room more than anything.

America closed the door behind and walked over to the table. He grabbed the chair, that was purposely placed in front of the table for him to sit in, pulled it out and sat down. UN had a much serious face on than usual. Maybe when it comes to something like this, he was always giving his full attention.

America never was on this side of the table. Maybe because until this point he never needed to make one of this private meeting. So he felt so uncomfortable. UN fixed up some papers before speaking.

"So America how long has this been bothering you?"
UN said in a very serious tone. He always got straight to the point when these meetings happen.

"If you want my honest opinion I think much of it until 1812." America spoke in an unusually tone that he never spoke in before. But as he finished saying that sentence the entire room was in shock. NATO spat out his drink.

"Wait wait wait. This has been going ever since 1812?!" NATO said quite loudly. He had a bit of his drink dipping off his mouth.

"No, it was happening before 1812 but it was until 1812 that it took effect." America responded, trying to keep things together. He didn't want to break this early.

"So when it REALLY start?" UN asked, leaning forward a bit. He had both his hands on the table.

"It all started when my parents had this huge fight which leads to the Seven years war." America said, trying to keep his head up. He didn't like thinking about that war.

"But it only started to take effect in 1812?" EU asked, trying to piece everything together.

"Yes, because I didn't believe anything until that time. Maybe because I was such a dumb naïve kid back then, I didn't really know what was happening." America said, leaning on his hand. He had a little chuckle at that thought.

"I see. And you didn't want to tell anybody. Why's that?" UN asked, lifting the papers in front of him up. He was sturdy everything that America was saying.

"Well, it happened so fast I didn't have enough time to recover from the damage. I mean like multiple events happen to do this damage. And the time I did have I used it to force on myself and my states." America explained. He had to clear somethings up before talking.

"Well, that is understandable. But you couldn't that least told somebody." EU said,  looking at America like he was crazy.

"Well, at that time I had grown some trust issues so I had no way of opening up to anyone. And when I felt like I could, something happens that prevents it." America said, drifting into his memories. He had to figure out what to say next.

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