Chapter 3

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America was struggling to get ready because his states were all over him. This was the first time they did this and America knew why. What happened yesterday, the states became more protective than ever. Of course, they weren't the only ones who became more protective.

"Please don't go! They'll hurt you! Pennsylvania yelled in desperation to try to keep his father from going.

"Ya! Stay!" Texas said, grabbing his father's leg. Of course, he wasn't only one holding on to his leg.

"Guys, calm down, please. I'll be fine." America said, trying to calm his states. They never are this protective for good while until today. All he could to reassure them and pry them off his legs.

Standing in the background, Confederate watched as the states try to keep their father home. He doesn't blame them, he was going to the same thing. Of course, he would just drag America to his room and keep him in there. He sighed, he had to do something.

"You know they're right, Union. You shouldn't go to this meeting." Confederate spoke though as he walked towards him.

"Listen I know they're right but I have to go. I don't have a choice." America said, managing to get the states off his legs.

"Besides I can't avoid it, it will come up and attack me." America was now fixing up his clothes, the states mess them up quite a bit. He didn't want to look like a mess when he enters the meeting room. America places a hand on Confederate's shoulder.

"Listen Confetti, I'll be fine. I'm strong enough to defend myself. So please don't worry." America said, trying to convince him that he will be fine. But Confederate just look at him with the 'are you kidding me' look.

"First, don't call me Confetti and second, I don't trust it." Confederate said, getting him the sign that he didn't want him going anywhere. All America could do was sigh. He knew that nobody wanted him to leave.

"Please, I'll be fine I swear. You know me well enough that I can get myself out of any sticky situation." America spoke once more to try to reassure them. Confederate only let a sigh out and looked at his half.

"Fine but if anything happens I mean ANYTHING call me." Confederate said, he places both his hands on America's shoulders. America could only give a tiny smile.

"I will. I promise." America responded, removing Confederate's hands from his shoulders. He began saying his goodbyes to his states and then went out the door.

America walked his way to his car. He couldn't stop thinking about what was about to happen. He knew he couldn't run from it but he was kinda scared to face it too.

America got into his car. Turn it on and drove to the meeting.

~time skip~

America drove up into the parking lot of the World Center, where meetings take place. Of course, other countries were showing up as well and some who were already there. America sighed and parked his car. He got out and made his way to the center.

Other countries were already entering the center before he got to the front doors. He sighed as he walks through the doors and made his way to the meeting room. Still nervous as hell.

America walked into the meeting room and counties were already talking to each other. Began going to his seat, which was placed next to the factions. It wasn't always like that but he always guesses that UN had some plans of changing it. He never really complain but it still confused him.

Anyways America went over and sat down. He waited for the meeting to start. Soon, all countries came in and sat down at their seats. UN waited for the room to go quiet before starting the meeting.

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