Chapter 17

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It's been a few days since America's little problem was revealed. Mostly everyone was happy to see him acting like himself. Some were still getting used to it but he's ok with that. Things like this don't come easy. He knew that long too well.

America was sitting on a bench at the park. It was calm and cool today so he wore just a hoodie. He didn't care too much because he was comfortable. He's never by himself all the time but some people need alone time now and then.

"Hey! America!" A familiar voice called him. America turned to see one of his brothers walking towards him.

"Hey, New Zealand! What's up?" America said back to his brother. They never really get much time to hang out with each other.

"Nothing much. You?" New Zealand said, sitting down next to his brother. He had a nice smile on his face.

"Same. Though I'm still trying to get used to being me again." America said. He was still a bit shaky when he has to be himself.

"Oh, that's fine, bro. You'll get there eventually. Things like these take time, you know." New Zealand said, trying to cheer up his brother.

"Yeah, I know. It's just a bit weird, you know." America said, putting his hand on his head.

"Well, you'll get it soon. Trust me." New Zealand said, putting an arm around America. Even though he was smaller than America, he was still able to do it.

"Thanks, NZ." America said with a small smile. He loves when his brothers cheer him up. Just like his states.

"Hey, did you buy a new hoodie? I never seen you wear this one." New Zealand said, pointing at the hoodie he was wearing.

"What do you-" America was cut off when he looked down at the hoodie. He realizes it wasn't his. It was a custom cameo hoodie. It still had dark green but it also dark red and dark blue mixed in as well. And there was only one person who wears this hoodie.

"Oh crap. He's gonna kill me." America said, Face palming. How did he get this hoodie mixed up with his own?

"What do you mean?" New Zealand asked, taking his arm off of America. He looked at him confused.

"This isn't my hoodie, NZ." America said. He knew he was dead.

"Then who's hoodie is it?" New Zealand asked. He was still confused about what was going on.

"It's Confederate's." America said. He groaned knowing he's getting an ear full later.

"So? Why is that a bad thing? He wouldn't mind you borrowing his clothes, right? Like even if you didn't mean to take it." New Zealand said. He turned so one of his legs was on the bench.

"No, you get it, NZ. Yes, he doesn't mind but he doesn't like it when someone takes this hoodie. It's the only thing he doesn't let me wear. No matter how times I ask." America explained. Confederate is very protective of some of his things. Like his hoodie. Yes, he has multiple hoodies but this one he doesn't let no one else wear but himself.

"But it's just a hoodie. Why is that bad?" New Zealand asked. He wasn't sure why Confederate would be mad over the fact that America accidentally wore his hoodie.

"Well, it's custom made so it's the only one he has." America said, looking at New Zealand.

"Oh, so he doesn't trust anyone else wearing it? Not even you?" New Zealand asked, tilting his head.

"Exactly! He's very protective over some of the things he has. Especially the custom made ones." America said, getting off the bench.

"Where are you going?" New Zealand asked, also getting up as well.

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