Chapter 33

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Everything was quiet in the big house. Which was surprising since the house is home to the United States of America and his family. Everyone was asleep because of the lack of sleep from the recent incident. But like every family, not everyone was asleep.

"Bama. Come on. We don't have time for this." Mississippi said in a whisper. Him and his brother were asleep but something woke Alabama up. He had to wake Mississippi as well.

"Listen to me for a sec, Miss. if we do this we can fix everything." Alabama said also whispering. He didn't want to wake anyone up including his dad. He remembered reading something in the little library they had.

"Or make everything worser. I mean we just got our dad back. Do you want to lose him again?!" Mississippi said, try to stop his brother. He knew what he was doing was risky and stupid.

"Miss, I know we just our dad back and happy for it but I want to help him too. He does so much for us daily. It's only fair if we do something for him." Alabama said, sneaking around quietly. He was trying to get to the library as quiet as possible.

"I don't think this would be what dad had in mind, you hooligan!" Mississippi said. He wasn't sure why he wasn't just calling their dad or something to stop him.

"Shut up! The library is just up ahead." Alabama said, seeing the entrance of the library ahead. He began to speed up a little bit but still trying to stay quiet.

Once they were in the library, Alabama quickly ran and grabbed the ladder. He moved it to the right place and began to climb up it. Mississippi was still trying to convenience his brother don't to do this but was still failing.

"Miss shut up! I know it's here and it will help us! Help dad!" Alabama said, searching for a certain book. It was some time ago when he found this book but he was certain at it will help.

"I'm stating facts here, Ala! It's not going to work!" Mississippi said, looking up at him. He couldn't believe that Alabama was really considering this. It's dangerous and retarded.

"I know it's risky ok Miss? But dad does risky things for us all the time! So why can't we?" Alabama said, getting into a familiar section of the books. He knew he was closer to the book he was looking for.

"It doesn't matter! Dad wouldn't want us doing this anyways! What don't you under- Ahhhhhh!" Mississippi was cut off by something grabbing his leg. He fell to the ground and turned to see what had him. He saw dark demonic creature had his leg in its long, skinny arm.

"Oh my god! Hold on Miss! I'm coming!" Alabama said as he quickly slides down the ladder. He wasn't going to let some creature take his brother.

Alabama quickly grabbed Mississippi and tried pulling him free but failed. The creature kept pulling Mississippi closer and closer. Both of them were starting to panic. These were times where Alabama wish he had a gun on him. Even though a gunshot probably wouldn't hurt the creature.

"Let go of my brother, you long dark devilish abomination!" Alabama yelled as he tries to pry the creature's hand open. He was scared and angry at the same time.

Suddenly the creature pulled out its other arm and grabbed Alabama. It then threw him across the room like he was nothing. The creature releases Mississippi's leg and then grabbed him by the neck.

"W-What the hell do you want from me?!" Mississippi said, trying to break free. He heard Alabama came running back to help only to be thrown across the room again.

The creature raised its other arm, revealing its claws. It then drove its claws into Mississippi's head. Right where Confederate's battle flag rested. Mississippi screamed in pain as the creature drove its claws deep into his head. It felt like it was trying to rid it off of him.

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