Chapter 11

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A nice peaceful day. A day some countries would die for. Well, it would be a quiet day as well if there wouldn't yelling and screaming states running around. But there were.

"Ahhh! Run y'all! He's going to get us!" Texas shouted as he was running from Confederate. He ran to a group of his siblings to try and escape him.

"Texas! Why would you bring him here?!" Arizona yelled as he and everyone else ran. Of course, they were just playing but it was still scary.

"Back up buster! I got my pan and I'm not afraid to use!" Oklahoma shouted as he pulled his pan out to try and stop the chaser. Confederate only laugh at this attempt.

"You think I'm scared of your little pan?" Confederate said, getting closer to the little state. Oklahoma froze as he realizes that Confederate wasn't phased by his pan.

"Guys! The pan didn't work! I repeat the pan didn't work!" Oklahoma yelled as he ran away with his arms up. When the other states realize this, they also began running.

America laughed as he watched his states get to chase around by Confederate. He always found it funny as some of his states say they hate Confederate but yet still play with him. He found it quite iconic. But soon his attention was pulled somewhere else.

"DAD!!!" Alaska's voice could be heard all across the park. America turned to see that Alaska was running towards him with Hawaii in his arms. Still also got the attention of everyone else who stopped what they were doing and ran to see their little sister.

"Alaska, what happened?" America said a bit panicky as he grabs Hawaii and put her in his lap. Her poor little leg had a nasty cut on it. It was bleeding badly.

"We were climbing around on the jungle gym and she fell. She hit the ground in a nasty way because before I knew it there was blood everywhere!" Alaska said so scaredly and worried about his sister. All the other states were there worried about their sister. Some look like they were going to puke. That's how bad it was.

"I-It hurts s-s-so much papa." Hawaii cough out admit her uncontrollable sobs. She was crying so hard because of the pain.

"It's ok honey. You're going to be fine. I'm here and so is everyone else. Don't worry." America said, trying to comfort his daughter. He knew the cut was bad but he has seen worse. He can handle this. Even though, everyone else was panicking.

"Confederate can you run to the car and get the hydrogen peroxide, some wipes and bandages please." America asked his half, who was standing there worried as everyone else. Confederate didn't say a word before taking off like a lightning bolt.

"Ow! Papa! Please stop! You're hurting me!" Hawaii practically nearly scream because of the pain.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but I need to put pressure on it to prevent it from bleeding and getting infected." America said, using his magic to keep Hawaii's cut from bleeding. He hurt him to watch his daughter cry out in pain but it was for the best. Though, he hated seeing any of his states crying out in pain.

"I'm back!" Confederate shouted as he came back with everything America needed. He was painting a little bit by the run but he had no time to relax. Poor Hawaii needed to clean up.

"Alright Alaska, I need you to comfort and hold Hawaii's hand while I do this." America said to his biggest state. Who quickly put up a salute.

"Yes sir," Alaska said as he quickly grabbed Hawaii's hand. "It will be ok sis."

"Texas, keep her distracted as I do this." America then turns to his Lone-star state. Texas didn't waste any time and started jumping around like a lunatic.

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