Chapter 39

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America groaned as he began to wake up. He stretched his arms and sat up. It took his eyes a moment to adjusted. Once they did, he noticed he was in his bedroom.

"How...How did I get here?" America said to himself as he looked around. He noticed a few changes to the room. Which was odd.

"I guess someone must have come to visit and put me to bed." America said, getting off his bed. He walked over to the door. "Or maybe the states did it."

He opened the door and walked out. As America was walking, he began feeling something. He began looking around. Something wasn't right in his house. Something felt...out of place.

He continued looking around. America notices a strange picture on the wall. He hasn't seen that picture before. Out of curiosity, he grabbed it and began to analyze it. It was a picture of a little boy.

America's heart felt like it was cracking. This boy looked a lot like Confederate. Except for the red area on his battle flag was red and white stripes, like his. His eyes were the same color as Confederate's, black. But they had small yellow stars as the pupils. Also seen that he had a few more stars than Confederate as well.

The boy was young in the portrait. He was smiling and kicking a soccer ball around. His arms in the air. He was looking at the camera when the picture was taken. America couldn't help but smile at this cute little picture.

Suddenly, he felt his head start pounding for some reason. America held his head as he put the picture back. He walked away slowly as the pounding started to calm down.

What was that about? America thought. It was odd that his head started pounding like that. Especially out of nowhere. But he shrugged it off for now and continue walking.

He was still looking around. Maybe to find another strange picture. He doesn't remember ever seeing that boy at all. Just thinking about caused his head to hurt a little. But it was more controllable than the first one.

Soon, America heard voices. Some familiar and some not. He followed the sound until he got to the sitting area before you go to the backyard. He perked in and saw three of his states and three others he no clue who they were.

"I'm just speaking my mind, Coraland. It's a very dumb idea." Virginia said, pointing her hand at Coraland. She was smiling as she said it.

"Dumb?! It's not 'dumb' in the slightest."Coraland said back. She had a thick southern accent and was sarcastic as heck.

"Yes yes. Keep telling yourself that, sister. But you'll found quickly that it's stupid." Virginia responded. She leaned back and crossed her arms. She looked at West Virginia, shaking her head.

"Can we please not do this? Dad will up any second now. And if he sees you two fighting AGAIN. You'll never see the end of it." Rhode Island said, pointing the two. He then crossed his arms and leaned against the sofa.

"I have to agree with my tiny big brother. He'll grab both of you by your ears and take ya the time out closet." One of the boys sitting next Coraland spoke up. He was being honest.

"Will you shut up? No was talking to you, East Rockvada! Besides, you and your brother both got rocks in your heads! That's how you got your names!" Coraland turns and yelled at the boy sitting beside her. She wasn't having anything of his shenanigans

"Don't yell at him! He just speaking his mind! Freedom of Speech!" West Rockvavda yelled, throwing his hands in the air. He always stands up for his brother.

"I'm about Freedom of Speech my foot up your-"

"THAT IS ENOUGH!" A loud voice caused the group to shut up immediately. Everyone turned and saw D.C. staring at them with a mad face. They quickly sat down.

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