Chapter 10

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Warning ⚠️: some more "bad" people are in this chapter and some historical events. Maybe some racist things as well maybe. If you're not comfortable with anything things then don't read. Please don't report because I'm trying to be as realistic as possible.
(Enough talk let's get into the story)

"Confederate, I'm telling you! You don't have to go if you're going to be uncomfortable!" America said as he watched as his half was packing a bag of stress balls. He didn't want him going if he was going to be stress and mad. Two things he didn't want to be mixed together with Confederate.

"I don't care! I'm not letting you go to this alone!" Confederate said, picking up the bag and walked over towards him. "Especially if THEY are going to be there."

"But you let me go to these meetings alone before! Why don't let go alone now?!" America said, trying to get Confederate to stay home. Confederate burns stress balls like it was no tomorrow, especially if he stress and angry.

"That was the past, Union! I'm letting you go alone! Besides, there's an old enemy of mine there too! And I don't trust him alone with you!" Confederate said, raising his voice a little. Meanwhile, the states were coming in one by one to their father.

"Dad's right. You should just stay home." Hawaii said, in her sweet voice "he can handle this on his own."

"Yeah! Dad is one trough country! It takes a lot to put him down!" Texas said, in his confidence southern accent. " he lets nobody mess with him!"

"I'm still confused about why you hate him so much, Confederate." Virginia said. "He didn't do anything to you so why do you hate him?"

"It's a complicated story. I'll tell you when we get back." Confederate said, a bit calmer this time.

"Even though we don't like you, Confederate. We would like to know about that too." Alabama said, looking up at him.

"Well, then why don't you states tag along. He might explain it when we're at the meeting." America said to his states.

"As much as we want to go, I think it better for us to just stay here." Rhode Island said. "Besides you alright got your hands full with him always. We don't wanna be another problem for you."

"You guys are never a problem for me." America said, kneeling down and patting Rhode Island on his head. "I deal with you guys on a daily basis, so what's the difference when I take all of you to the meeting?"

All the states when quiet for a second, process what their father just said. They all looked at each other and whispered about it too. After a couple of minutes, they turn back to their father, who was waiting patiently for them.

"Fine we'll go but after can go to the park?" Delaware said, giving his cute little stare. The states were doing their cute little stares.

"Ok but you have to behave while we're there, got it?" America asks his states.

"Sir yes, sir!" All the states said inSync as they did their military salute to their dad.

America chuckled at that little action. He was proud of how well he trained his states. He got back up on his feet and gave his states the wink to come in. The states turned into their ball forms and flew into their father's head.

"I'll still never understand how you deal with that." Confederate said, looking at him with a weirded out expression.

"It's called 'building up tolerance'. You try it sometimes." America said, putting his sunglasses on. "You already in there?"

After America asked that, his stars started to blink in the colors of the flags that their state had. He chuckles once more before walking out the door with Confederate by his side.

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