Chapter 21

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"I still get bloody confused about how you four ended up like this." Britain said, having a hand over his face. He was staring at his four sons dancing on a table like they were still kids.

"Come on dad! If we weren't like this, we wouldn't be your sons." Australia said, looking at his dad. He was the craziest one out of all four of them. His dancing shows it.

"Honey, you can't deny that at statement is true." France said, putting a hand on her husband's shoulder. She gave him a little smile.

"I bloody wish it was false." Britain said jokingly. He may be old but he stills likes teasing his sons.

"Then come up here and try to stop us, papa!" New Zealand said. He put his arms out and gave his dad that look.

"Unless you want your precious tea in the harbor again." America said looking at him. He always knows how much his father loved his tea.

"I might be old." Britain said, getting on the table. "But that's doesn't mean I can't still discipline my children."

"Oh no. Everyone run!" Canada said, quickly getting off the table and running. He was laughing a little as he did.

Soonly all four boys were running away from their dad. All were laughing and screaming as they played. France couldn't help herself and join in on the fun. This family was never perfect. They had trials and errors like every other family. But they were perfect for each other.

Britain and France were not as energetic as their boys but they love playing with them. They made them feel like youngling again. They love their boys for what challenges they throw at them. Even though Britain was still upset about what he did to America back then, he was happy to have his son back.

After two hours had passed, they were all tuckered out. They all sat down on at the same table where the boys were dancing on earlier. They all were laughing and talking to each other. They usually had a hard time getting together because of their responsibilities as countries, but it was worth it to see each other.

"I must say, mom dad. You two can still keep up with us after all these years." Canada said, looking at his parents. He had a smile on his face. God did he love his parents.

"I am surprised myself. But I'm glad to keep up my boys." France said, looking at all of them. She knew one day she wouldn't be able to keep up with them but she'll make the most of it as she can.

"Me and my strange family." Britain said, resting his head on his hand. His family was strange to everyone but to him they were perfect.

"Again if we weren't strange than we wouldn't be your kids." Australia said, adjusting his hat a little bit.

"That is true I must admit." Britain said, shrugging a little.

They all began talking about the funny moments in their lives. Like how Australia got his head stuck in a rabbit hole. Also Canada's fear of bees. All types of funny moments. But then someone's phone went off.

"Who's phone is going off?!" Australia said, slamming his hands down on the table.

"Oh sorry, it's mine." America said, trying to get his phone out of his pocket. Who could this be at time? Everyone knows he's hanging out with his family.

"It's probably one of his states calling him." New Zealand said jokingly. He snickers a little as he said that.

"Hello?" America said as he held his phone up to his ear. He didn't check who it was calling.

"Hey babe~ are you ready for our date tonight?~" Confederate's voice came through. He spoke in his seductive southern tone. This made America jump a little.

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