A little message for you all

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Hey, I know I don't do these. Mainly because I want to focus on the story than anything. So why am I now doing this?  Well, there are some things I need to tell you. And I might answer some questions that have been bothering you.

1. The Cover

You may have noticed that the cover doesn't fix with the story. I pick that picture because I thought it was a nice little picture for the cover. But I want to change it to something that's more relatable to the story but at the same time, I want to keep it. Since some of you have gotten used to the picture. But I'm not great at drawing and I'm not asking any of you to draw one for me. I'm saying if you want the cover to be changed into something more relatable to the story. Just say in the comments. And I'll work on one. It won't be the best but it will suit the story a little better. But that's up to you.

2. Updates

If any of you have been reading the story since when it was young, then you probably noticed I went from a two days updates to daily updates. Why's that? Well before I was going back and forth between my YouTube channel and this story. One day I'm working on the channel. The next I'm working on the story. That sounds like a lot of work and it was. So I decided to put Gacha Life mini-series for Countryhumans on hold until I finish this story. Both the story are completely different from one other but some characters might be similar to those in this story. I do really want the mini-series on my YouTube channel to continue but I don't want to stress myself out. So for those who were curious about the sudden update change, there's your answer.

3. The reason I wrote this story

Like probably most stories on here. This one just popped in my head and I had to do it. At first, I feared it would piss some people off since I know people don't like Confederate. For real-life matters. And even though I made Confederate a likable character in this story I still fear people weren't going to like this story. But I took the risk and got the first three chapters out on the same day. Then I continued after some people started checking it out and suddenly we're here. 2K people have read my story and some sticking around for more! I couldn't believe this! I didn't think anyone would take a liking to this but you guys did. So I like to say thank you to you guys for sticking with this story since the beginning or you're joining late-game welcome. I didn't think that the story would get so popular and people waiting patiently for the next chapter to come out. But soon this story will come to an end and a new one begins. I hope you'll be ready for the many ideas I have for the future.

4. Will Confederate and America be a thing in this story?

I know some of you have been wondering if America and Confederate are going to be a thing in this story. The answer is I don't know yet. Even though it's clear that they might get together but I haven't made my mind up yet. I know the ship isn't as popular as RusAme but it's this something to consider. But if you are ok with me putting them together then I'll do it. Just say in the comments. I don't mind if you are not comfortable with it and I respect that. Just say it and don't be shy.

5. Is there a "bad guy" in this story?

No there will not be an official "bad guy" of this story. There might be characters who would seem like the bad guy but they're not. I tried to make the characters relatable to the fandom and my personal view on them. I started this in the very first part of this story. I also want no one to be consider the bad guy. The characters will change in the future and will see.

6. I have a YouTube channel?!

You might be like "what?! You have a YouTube channel?!" And is yes I do. It's not a very popular YouTube channel but a channel either way. I made quite some videos on there. The first videos I made were music videos and then I made my Countryhumans mini-series. It's a bit of a mess but it's my first mini-series I've ever done so it's going to be messy. I never said I had a YouTube channel because I don't like doing self-promotion. Everything I do on my channel and here is all for fun and entertainment only. But I do make sure to put a warning up in case something looks like it could offend somebody and I don't want to do that. I never mention it because it's not important to the story at all so I leave it out. But if any of you are curious about my channel just say in the comments.


Man, that was a lot of typing but it not like haven't done it before. 😅

Anyways I might have not gotten EVER single questions but I answer the questions that I came to my mind when looking at my story.

If you want to answer some of these just do something like this so it's easy for me.
1. Blab blab blab
2. Saying something
3. There's a problem
And so on
If you have any questions had I did not answer please say in the comments and I will answer them the best of my ability. But don't ask questions like 'when the next Chapter will be out?' and so forth.
Those are questions I will not answer because of reasons. So please be respectable when you typed your question or questions if you have multiple.
Anyways I can't wait to write the next chapter. 😄

(Also my channel only as 2 subscribers and I'm not asking you to subscribe. Just something I wanted to say.)

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