Chapter 9

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Warning ⚠️: bad guys appear in this chapter if you don't want to continue reading then be my Guest.

"Guys! North America is stuck!" Peru shouted while trying not to laugh. He was laughing at Canada, America, and Mexico, who got themselves stuck while to hang up the party streamers.

"Shut up Peru!" Mexico yelled, who was dangling off. He was holding on for dear life.

"How did you three get stuck?!" EU said loudly, looking very disappointed.

"Listen if we could tell you, we would!" America said, he was the only one who was not in the threat of falling. While Canada was standing on a thin edge, trying to keep his balance.

"Mexico! America! Did you two forget that you can just fly down?!" UN yelled, looking at Mexico and America. America and Mexico looked at each other realizing that because their national animal were birds, they could just fly down.

"What about me?! I can't fly!" Canada yelled. He didn't want to fall. America and Mexico spread their wings and flew off the wall.

"Don't worry, bro. We're not leaving you." America said, holding out his hand to his brother. Mexico was doing the same thing. Canada hesitated for a bit before grabbing their hands and pushing off the edge.

All three landed back on the ground but Peru was still dying of laughter. Mexico had enough of him and started chasing him around. Everyone started laughing at that point.

America stopped laughing when he felt someone lightly grab one of his wings. He turned to Confederate, who was studying his wings in every detail. Then he remembered that Confederate hasn't seen his wings much so no wonder he was checking them out.

"Can you not?" America said, pulling his wing away from Confederate. Confederate looked at him with the 'I can do whatever I want' look.

"Hey Ame, not to be rube or anything but do your wings look a bit bigger?" Canada said, pointing at his wings. America analyzed his wings for a second to process what Canada was saying. Once he had it, he turned to his brother.

"I have been working out." America said with a shrug. Canada looked impressed by his brother's wings. In fact, when Canada mentioned it, everyone was impressed.

"Sad thing is I don't see you working out your wings." Confederate spoke. America turned to face him.

"Well, they're wings where else am I going to train them?" America said, pointing up. Confederate widen his eyes before looking at him.

"Yeah, you're right." Confederate said, putting both his hands up and walked away. America chuckled at his action.

"All so, wanna see something cool?" America said, turning back to his fellow countries. Everyone looked at him with confused and curious faces.

"Do we even want to know." Britain said, rolling his eyes. He knew his son well enough to know that some of the things he shows are weird and stupid.

"It's not bad! Trust me!" America said, trying to reassure his father that it wasn't bad.

"Fine. What is it?" Britain said, crossing his arms and giving his son the slightly annoyed look. America giggles before lifting up one of his close wings to reveal his states, who were in they're little ball mode, all hanging on his wing. Everyone's eyes widen.

"Ok! That's creepy, mate!" Australia said, backing away with his hands up. Connecticut looked at his uncle with a confused look.

"What? Did you forget we're not too far behind whenever a party is going on?" He said, floating off America's wing. Others followed him and now 50 little ball states were flying around.

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