Chapter 38

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Tonight is the night. Careful planning and everyone being there was apart of Confederate's plan. He was patiently waiting for this night. But there was one thing he wasn't liking.

"Do I seriously have to wear this?" Confederate asked annoyed. He was standing there uncomfortable because America was helping him into his suit.

"It's a big event. The least you could do is dress nicely." America responded, fixing up Confederate's coat. Making sure that were no wrinkles. Even though it was going to get messed up, it's best for him to roll in looking nice.

"You know I hate wearing suits." Confederate mumbled, looking away from America. He never liked wearing a suit or anything fancy.

"I know but... just this once, please? For me?" America said, giving Confederate his baby eyes. He was also finishing fixing up Confederate's coat.

"... fine..." Confederate said, looking down. He didn't want America to be upset with him because he wasn't his suit. Even though he hated it, it was only for this one night.

America smile as grabbed Confederate's tie and began doing it up. Of course, Confederate had to lift his head up so America could put it on. He still didn't like it.

"There. All done. And not too bad if I do say so myself." America said, looking Confederate who was fully in his suit. He always had a fashion side. Maybe he got it from his mother.

Confederate just stood there, unhappy. Again dressing up isn't his thing. Especially when it comes to fancy clothing. Of course, America never minds his style but tonight was a big deal. So he had to look nice.

"Don't be sure a big baby." America said, walking up and giving a kiss on Confederate's cheek. "You're not the only having to dress up. Come on. Let's check on the baby birds."

Confederate froze for a second after giving that kiss. It kinda caught him off guard. He just stood having a hand on his cheek where America kissed him and watched America walking away. He smiled and ran to catch up with him.

Meanwhile, the states themselves were all getting dressed up for tonight. Even though the southern states dress up more than Confederate, they STILL have trouble getting their outfits on. Luckily, they have the other states to help them a little.

"God. I don't think this belt fits me anymore." North Carolina said, struggling to get his belt on.

"No, you have it too tight. Again. Here let me do it." South Carolina said, grabbing the belt and getting behind North Carolina. He then slipped the belt through and began adjusting it.

"I knew it was too tight." North Carolina said, keeping still as his brother worked. He was a bit annoyed by this.

"No, you didn't." South Carolina said smiling. "You always have a struggle with this belt."

North Carolina just growled a little of annoyance. Mostly because he knew his brother was right. Everyone else was all ready and looking fine. Well, almost everyone.

"Wyoming, come on! It's not that bad!" Colorado said, trying to get Wyoming to come out.

"How do you know? We both know it's bad, box bro!" Wyoming yelled out. He wasn't comfortable with his suit.

"Colorado? What's going on with Wyoming?" Utah asked, looking at where Wyoming is hiding. She came over after hearing the commotion.

"We had to get him a new suit because his old got way too messed up. And he isn't sure about this one." Colorado explained, crossing his arms.

"Really? Out of all the time to do this, it's now." Arizona said, covering his face with his hand.

"Wyoming! It's not that bad! Now, get your rear end out here!" Texas yelled, making his way into over. He was pulling California and Oklahoma as well.

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