Chapter 20

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America felt himself starting to wake up. He probably slept longer than he predicted but he didn't care. He still had a problem to solve. He didn't know how to solve it but he'll figure out somehow.

America stretched his arms up, cracking then a little. His senses were coming online. Things were a little fussy but he wasn't surprised. He heard a heartbeat. Nothing new-


America didn't feel like he wasn't outside anymore. He was hearing somebody else heartbeat. He opened his eyes finally to see where he was at. It took a minute for them to adjust but when they did, he looked around.

He was back in the party room. Everyone was sitting around and were up bandage up. They were all talking so they didn't see he was awake. America stared around for a second trying to analyze what was happening and how he got here.

"Union, you need to calm down. No one is going to hurt you." A familiar southern voice came through. It sounded very close to America. So he turned to see Confederate looking down at him.

"What the!" America panicked and moved away from his half. He noticed he was in his lap, asleep. For how long?! But this move got everyone's attention.

"Oh, America I'm glad you've finally woke up." UN's voice was heard. America turned to see him walking towards him.

"What- how- how did I get here?!" America question. He was wondering how he got here.

"Calm down. No one's going to do anything." UN said, bending down to his level. He had his hands out trying to calm the panicking country.

"Why is- how the- " America couldn't find any words to say. His mind was racing with questions and his heart was beating quickly.

"Union. Look at me!" Confederate stepped in. Grabbing America's head and forcing him to face him. He could see the fear and confusion in his eyes.

"Con-Confederate?" America manages to mustard out. He didn't know what to say or do in that matter. He was just so confused.

"Calm. There's no need to panic. I'm here. We're all here. Relax." Confederate spoke in a calm and soft tone. He wasn't going to let him panic like this.

"B-But- " America didn't know what to say. Words were abandoning him. He was left frozen.

"Shhh. Just breathe. Everything's fine." Confederate said, slowly moving his hands from America's head to his shoulders. He watched as America's stars went from being small to slowly growing larger.

"Wh-What happened?" America said. His voice sounded more calm and relaxed. He was still shaky but he was calmer.

"After I recovered myself, I came out looking for you. No surprise you were at someplace calm and quiet. You have a tendency to do that." Confederate calmly explained. He had a calm expression on his face. It was so America didn't panic again.

Confederate sat down on his butt and pulled America into his lap. In hindsight, America would have gotten out of his lap and slap him but he didn't. America was completely still the entire time. He didn't know what to do. Everyone was gathering around them.

"America I'm going to say this to clarify you that you are not in trouble. We were not mad at you. Just surprise about what we saw. But this isn't your fault. It was The Mongol Empire who started it. You had all the rights in the world to banish him." UN explained, looking at America. He kept a nice smile on his face.

"I...I know it's just...that's another reason why I didn't want to show my eyes." America said, looking down. He didn't want anyone knowing what eyes can do. He won't mind showing them if no one knew what they were capable of.

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