Chapter 29

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Suddenly America and Confederate froze as they heard a young female voice. They immediately let go of each other and turned to the doorway. America left it open because all the states were asleep.


Were they asleep?

All 50 states were standing in the doorway. All looking at them. In front of all of them was West Virginia holding her teddy bear. All were in disbelief what they heard. West Virginia told a step forward.

"Baby birds. Why are you awake? It's late. You have to get some sleep." America said, trying to act natural. He got off the bed and walk to his states. He was terrifying. Did they hear everything?

" this true?" West Virginia asked, squeezing her teddy bear. She wasn't the only one with a stuffed animal but she was the only one saying something. Everyone else was at a loss of words.

"What true, honey?" America asked, bending down on to one knee. He was still trying to play it cool. Act like nothing happen.

"'re with...him?" West Virginia said, looking at Confederate for a split second. She looked at her father with disbelief and horror in her eyes.

"Well...that all depends on what 'with him' you mean. If you mean as friends then yes but as a couple hell no." America said with a chuckle. This was not a good situation for everybody. Especially America.

"That's a lie. You are dating him ain't you?" Virginia said, walking up to her little sister. She puts both her hands on West Virginia's shoulders and lightly pulled her away from America. She looked at him with angry eyes.

"What? No, we're not dating. We're-"

"Liar!" Virginia cut her father off. She didn't want to hear another excuse. Everyone at Virginia raising her voice but soon join in.

"Dad we'll be honest with you. We only tolerated him. Nothing more. Did you think we would ever forgive him? After him nearly destroyed our family?" Georgia said, moving out of the crowd. He was standing next to South Carolina, holding his arm.

"What do you mean?" America asked, looking at all of them. He didn't like what he was thinking or what they were saying. He stood up to his feet again and looked down at them.

"What do we mean?! This Bastard nearly destroyed us! Do you not remember what happened to us after the war ended?! We in ruins and were basically exiled! Even if we made up in the end, what makes you think that we would forgive him?! We only tolerated him because we wanted you to be happy! You believe everyone can be better than what they were and we've believed you! There were some points where we thought Confederate did change but we never forgive him for his actions! And you're dating him?! We were only messing around with the 'shipping' thing but we've thought it was a phase! Not real! And you were hiding it from us after you promised us you've never hide anything from us again! How could you?! We trusted you! You were our father!" Virginia snapped. Let her mind speak for her. For her family. She never thought she had to does this to the one who was her father and country. He took care of them and this is how he repays them?

"Virginia. I can understand you're upset but-"

"Don't try to change our minds! We wouldn't mind if you went and dated Soviet for all we care! But this Bastard?! Again we only kept him around because we wanted you to be happy! Nothing more! If you want our most honest should have killed him!" Virginia again cut America off. She wasn't taking anymore of this crap. She wasn't the only one who didn't like this either. Her fellow southern states thought it as well. She pulled West Virginia closer, keeping her away.

Silence filled the room. Virginia was breathing heavily from her outburst. Everyone waits for America's response.

America was taken back by this. Looking back at all the past memories, he saw the signs of them tolerating Confederate just so he could be happy. Very few things they actually 'liked' him. He was so blind to it.

Now hearing it. Finally understanding the truth, he was heartbroken. Why didn't he see it from the start? It was an act. Nothing was real. Even if it was only for a moment. Now America did the one thing he sworn himself never to do...

Hurt his states.

"Papa? Are you ok?" Hawaii said, slowly walking up to America. She was a little concerned by his silence. Everyone else was too even the southern states.

America took a step back away from Hawaii. He looked down at the floor. Thoughts were flying through. Guilt and self-hatred started to fill up. How could he let this happen? Why didn't he notice it from the start?


"Don't touch me Hawaii." America said, lightly pushing Hawaii's hand away. He turned his back to everyone. He didn't want to look at them.

"Papa! I love you! I love you, Papa!" Hawaii said, waddling to America with her arms in the air. Tears started to fill her eyes. She wanted America to pick her up so she could hug him and show him her love.

America couldn't stand being there any longer. Before Hawaii could latch herself on his leg, America teleported away. He couldn't be there. He couldn't be the father they needed.

He failed them.


It's been two hours since the whole ordeal. America checked his phone. It was now 2:29 am. He put his phone away and continued staring into the backyard. He was on the roof, staring down at the backyard. Visions of him and his states playing in the backyard were now like a distant memory. It was all gone.

America knew he only did this to himself. He should have just stayed friends with Confederate. He shouldn't have listened to his heart. He shouldn't have said the truth. He should have just stay silence.

The thoughts from before were returning but this time he wasn't going to stop it. He shouldn't have listened to the voice. He shouldn't have gotten help. He shouldn't have just thrown his states' trust like that. Tears began to fall down his face.

He should have ended it that day.

America stood to his feet. He got close to the edge of the roof. He looked down to see the bottom. That's where he belongs not here. He was going to miss everyone but... he didn't care anymore.

He closed his tearful eyes and took a deep breath. His states already gave up on him. If they didn't then why haven't they found him? Maybe they needed time alone. He was ok with that because they weren't going to be around him any longer.

With no more hesitation. No more holding back. He lose his will to live. He knew everything was too good to last. And finally, after so long, he took a step and fell.

"AMERICA!" NASA's voice was the last thing he heard before everything went black. Finally, he wasn't fighting death. He was embracing it. Finally, he could no more trouble for anyone. Hell would cool down by his death. The states would find someone better to take care of them. Everything would be perfect.

Because now...

He was finally free.

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