Chapter 26

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(Before we get started, I have something to say. I haven't made this chapter in a while because my sleeping schedule is messed up. Also, I'm not feeling good but I didn't want to keep you waiting for the chapter. Anyways that's all and also if you want more details for what's happening with me, I will post it on the Q&A. Only for those who want to know if I'm ok. Ok I'll shut up now and start the chapter.)

⚠️ Warning ⚠️: sexuality content is in this chapter. I didn't want to do it at first but I did it anyway. So enjoy. If you're not a fan of it then leave now. You have been warned.

"There we go. Now if something like this happens again America. Please tell someone." ASEAN said, handing some papers to America. He wasn't sure if he should be sent home but UN has his orders.

"Don't worry. I will." America said smiling. He was slightly holding up a sleepy Confederate.

"And I'll keep an eye on him, ASEAN." Confederate said, putting an arm around America. He also had a smile on his face.

"I know you will, you overprotective southerner." ASEAN said with a chuckle. He never seen someone like Confederate so protective of their other. You learn something new every day.

The two walked out of the Medical Bay. America still slightly holding Confederate up. He didn't care but he knows he shouldn't be doing this at the moment. But soonly a wild Soviet appeared.

"Hey, America. How are you feeling?" He asked as he walked towards them. He heard that something happen to America so he had to make sure he was ok.

"I'm feeling better now thank you, Gummy Bear." America said with a smile. He always loved calling Soviet a 'Gummy Bear' because he acts big and tough but he's really a big softy.

"That's good. I got really worried when I heard that something happened to you." Soviet said, scratching the back of his neck. He had an embarrassed look on his face but tried to hide it.

"I'm fine now but thank you for looking out for me." America said, pretending to pat Soviet's ghostly shoulder. "Why are you so freaking tall?"

"Why are you so freaking short?" Soviet said, leaning forward at the American. He had a stupid smirk on his face as he did.

America looked up at him with a mad expression but it looked like a forced. Soviet only laughs at him. He remembered when they were younger how small America was. As he was a teenager and America a child, his head was up to his knees.

That least you grew a little. Soviet thought as He watches the American. Seeing him trying to keep Confederate from falling down.

"I would love to chat more, Gummy Bear but I gotta get this Bastard and my states home." America said. Now he had to put more effort into keeping Confederate up.

"Where are your states?" Soviet asked, not seeing them with him. He got a stupid look from America then he realized. "Oh never mind."

America said goodbye to Soviet as he put Confederate's arm around his neck. He started to carry him out. He thought he was stupid for staying up but he did because he was worried about him. So what was there to be mad about?

"You shouldn't be carrying me." Confederate said sleepily. He was leaning on America more and more. He never got this tired this fast but when America is around he just shut down.

"Well do you want to fall face-first into the ground?" America asked looking at him for a second before looking forward again.

"No..." Confederate responded as he looked down. He didn't like being this tired. It made him feel like crap.

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